Wednesday, March 31, 2010

~~Dear Mr. Easter Bunny~~

Dear Mr. Easter Bunny,

I have known you all my life.
You used to bring me delicious sugary treats
of jelly beans
robin eggs
creme eggs
that white chocolate bunny
wrapped in colorful foil
that made me feel special
cause white chocolate is my favorite.
I always ate the ears off first
and then
the sugary eye...
it was so yummy.
You have always been so good to me.

Thank you for coming to my own children
all these years--
even when I changed the day on you
and invited you to come on Friday night
instead of Saturday night.
But honestly,
trying to take 7 kids to Church
on Sunday mornings
all hopped-up on sugar
and chocolate stains on their new easter clothes
made me crazy like a homicidal fruit-bat,
so thanks for understanding that
about me.

We're getting ready for you again
this coming Friday.
I have a favor to ask,
if it's not too much trouble.

It's also,
as you know,
Daisie's birthday.
She's going to be fifteen.
She's been kinda sorta really rotten lately
you know,
how most fifteen year olds are--

rolling her eyes

stomping her feet

slamming her door

(until we took it off the hinges last night)

yammering at high decibels until my ears ring
and my eyes water--

So I'm just wondering if,
instead of
jelly beans
robin eggs
and a chocolate bunny
Mr. Easter Bunny,
might just tuck something else into My
easter basket this year...
something along the lines of
a tranquilizer- dart gun
a muzzle
and some super-glue for her mouth,
for some uh, projects I'm working on.

That'd be one easter wish
I'd really enjoy.

Thanks MUCH!-

p.s. enjoy the carrots. they're organic.

cc: Santa Claus, St. Valentine, St. Patrick, Toothfairy, Fairygodmother.


  1. heehee

    I hope the Easter bunny comes through for you.


  2. Good post !
    The Easter Bunny still comes to our house...he has more expensive tastes in chocolates and other confections too. Perhaps a reward for all our years of hand wringing/praying with a houseful of teenagers raking us over the coals on a daily basis ??? YES, I'm convinced of it !!! hang in there Momza (and good move taking off the door )

  3. took the door off the hinges ... love it!!!!

  4. I wonder if the Easter Bunny wouldn't mind me too requesting to come on Friday night instead of Saturday night. My guess is he'd appreciate it seeing as his Saturday night is pretty dang busy.

  5. We haven't done the Easter bunny thing in a long time, but if your basket contains the things you requested, I may have to rethink this tradition. LOL


  6. Love it! I was always glad when the homones of the teens settled down......a bit.

    Enjoy your weekend.
    Loved your letter to the bunny.

  7. I may need to ask for some of that, too. The tranquilizer dart gun at least!

  8. Oh dear. Poor Daisy. Good luck with that list of items.:-)And good luck with your teenager. Such fun times!

  9. Ask the Bunny to bring you a nice bottle of Port. That always makes the hard days a little smoother... ;)

    Hang in there. You are an awesome, awesome mom!!


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