Monday, April 19, 2010

Receiving Revelation for My Children Part 1

Because we are their Parents~
Because we are partners with our Heavenly Father~
Because families are eternal~

We are entitled to receive revelation
for our children.

This is true...
I've seen this in my own life
and my yahoos can attest to it too.
I believe it began from the moment
I knew I was pregnant...
I tuned into my body
my baby...
and once that child was born,
the bonding continued
senses are sharpened
my bond with my Father in Heaven
also grew in strength...
it had to,
I depended on Him so much
to guide me along as I learned how to
care for and guide the new little spirit in my life.

Somewhere along the way,
my ears became so atuned to His voice,
that there have been moments
when knowledge flowed in
and flooded my mind.
Other times,
little bits of things would be revealed--
just enough to let me know
I needed to pay attention to a particular child,
either to protect them,
or to guide them.

Here's some examples:

When my oldest was almost 7 years old,
he became tempted with lying
to save himself the consequences of his choices.
I knew he was lying
because he wasn't good at it, right?
But I wanted him to CHOOSE to be honest;
so I'd say,
"David Scott, I'm worried about whoever did this[whatever it was],
and I know that Heavenly Father knows who did this,
so when I talk to Heavenly Father tonight,
I'm going to ask Him and He'll tell me."
A tearful confession usually followed.
But then, right before he turned 8
a situation arose where I wasn't sure
who the culprit was--
him or his sister.
Altho I was pretty sure it was him,
I wasn't positive.
So, I repeated my plea for honesty and the words
that usually produced a confession...
"There was more than one person in the room
when this happened,
the person that did this,
and Heavenly Father.
I'm going to go ask Him right now,
who did this."
Rather than the confession,
David Scott said with full confidence,
"Okay, come back and tell me what He says."

I had to do as I said I would.
I went and asked and needed to know the answer--
to prove to my son that my relationship was real
and to make sure the discipline was meted out fairly.

On my knees, I sought the answer.
It came.
And David Scott, then, offered his confession.

Another time,
my special-needs son, Dean,
was a very sick baby with a bad cold.
I'd been up with him all night long
and come daylight,
I was standing in the hallway of our two bedroom apartment
wondering where the humidifier was...
I knew that would help his congestion.
But I was so tired
and emotional, ( do you get emotional when you're over-tired? or is it just me?)
I couldn't find the humidifier.

We only had three closets in the whole place,
and I knew it had to be there,
but I just couldn't see it.
I looked thru each closet over and over
and just didn't see it.
Finally, in true desperation,
with Dean in my arms,
I was standing in the hallway
and I said a prayer,
"Heavenly Father, I need Your help.
I know You know where the humidifier is,
Please lead me to it. Show it to me."
I opened the closet door
right in front of me,
and there it was.
I stood and cried with gratitude
that my prayer was answered so immediately.


One time, I was in California visiting my bff, Denise
and her family
with just the baby, Daisie.
It was my last day there,
and we all went to Universal Studios.
As we're parking the car,
a horrible feeling came over me,
I was wracked with a feeling of dread
and I didn't know why.
I didn't have a cell phone (this was 1996),
and was desperate to get to a phone and call home.
I passed off the baby to my friend,
and ran to the gates of the Park,
in search of a phone.
By the time I found one,
I knew which child was in danger.
I dialed the house,
my husband answered the phone--
"Where's Diana?" I asked, frantically.
"She is at the park with the older kids. Why?" he asked.
"Go to her. Go to her right now!!!!" I yelled in the phone.
"Ok." he said and hung up.
I didn't know what was happening with her, but this voice of warning
was so strong, I knew it was Divine.
My friend and her family caught up with me and waited for a few minutes
until I called back to the house.
When I did,
my husband related this:
"He'd jumped into the car, and drove down to the park that was just around the corner
from our house. He found Diana, who was crying from falling off a swing.  She wasn't really hurt though.
So then he asked himself, why would I have had such a strong impression over a tumble off a swing? So he looked around the park.  Then, he noticed a car with a strange-looking man inside, watching the playground.
Our children, the 4 of them, (ranging in ages 13 to 4) were the only kids at the park.  And there were no other adults.  My husband said he was impressed to bring all the kids home. This was at the time when child abductions were happening alot in Phoenix, and I rarely even let the kids play in the front yard.
As he related this, my heart sank and rejoiced in the same instant! What if I'd ignored that impression?

I want to continue to blog these experiences.
After General Conference's theme of Families, I feel that there is a great need for us to turn our
attention inward to our families. 
For me, I have learned that Satan is the Great Distractor from Righteousness.
If he can keep my ears and eyes focused on worldly things,
than on my family,
he is pleased.
I want to acknowledge that Heavenly Father
does care about me and my family.
And we need Him in our daily lives for guidance and purpose.

As parents, we are entitled to receive revelation
 for our children while they are under our care.
 After they have grown, that stewardship is altered.
 I do not receive revelation for my married kids.
 If I've done my job right, then my grown children should
be able to receive their own revelation. 

I can guide them with my best guesses and love,
but in fact, my stewardship changes
once they are adults.
I didn't realize this until recently. 
It has been such a gradual process,
as each of them have aged,
and begun making their own choices,
I didn't feel the shift at all.
And it makes so much so sense--
they shouldn't be relying on their parents anymore.
This is their life,
and their free agency is in full-bloom.
They too, must learn for themselves
how to live happily.
What about you?
Have you also had experiences with revelation regarding your family?


  1. YES YES YES. I have a very strong testimony of that. My kids are amazed sometimes when I tell them stuff. (please don't think the windows of heaven are open constantly---) I have also received impressions for my married kids too-

  2. Great post! Mine today is similar on Personal Revelation but I truly know I have and have always had revelation for my children. In fact, just recently at GC I had some personal revelation regarding my oldest son. Because he was there with us we were able to take a walk along Temple Square and chat over my thoughts. I told him that I had had personal revelation about him and that I knew I was still entitled to it because I was his mother and we had a great talk. I am still waiting to see what happens with it. I am indeed grateful for all revelation I receive concerning my children, my family overall and myself.

    That experience you shared of your kids in the park and your frantic call to your husband gave me chills - I have had a couple of those episodes - Very Scary - but at the same time SO GLAD for the warning!!

  3. This would have been a good talk to go with mine on Sunday.

    And I know what you mean. My mom has always KNOWN. Always.

  4. Yes I have had similar experiences with my children. I remember as teenagers they would ask to go somewhere, maybe a friends house or school activity. On a few occasions I had the distinct impression that they shouldn't go but because I couldn't give them a concrete reason they would question, "Why not?" and I would simply tell them that I just had that "feeling". They would never push me after that, somehow I think it gave them comfort.
    You are right about adult children. I don't seem to get that same inspiriation like I did when they were younger. Now I just get frustrated when they do dumb things and there isn't anything I can do about it. But I do take comfort in knowing that I did all I could to teach them to recognize the spirit in their lives.
    Great post, as usual.

  5. This one made my cry, Dawn. Such a beautiful post and filled with truth.

    In fact, I will be blogging tomorrow about the experience that came to my mind as I read it. Thanks for recalling it to my mind with your words.


  6. Beautiful thoughts.
    I think that today we have to be so much more proactive!
    We HAVE to have divine guidance.
    Love the post!

  7. Just stopping by via Cherie, hope you don't mind.

    I know for a fact that I could not have raised my children without divine intervention. It is such a partnership and I believe that Christ loves my children even more than I do so of course He only wants the best for them. I can't even begin to count all of the promptings I received as a mother. The true test however is to be listening for the promptings, because they're there!

  8. I have had many experiences, and several were critical--mostly to their spiritual safety.

    And about conference. We have been asked in our stake to memorize the family proclamation so my husband was quite happy to hear so many references to it at conference.:-) It really was impressive to hear all the talks on families. And I love that you are not only hearing, but also doing. That is a great example for all of us.

  9. Great post Dawn. The park story- so scary but wonderfully comforting at the same time.

    Something I find that helps me to be quiet and prepared for the spirit is when I listen to inspiring music, especially in the car while I'm running errands. It gets me in the right frame of mind and kinda closes out the big world to help me focus on my little world.

    Sometimes when someone will drive with me they'll complain about my Sunday music (that's what they call it) I ask them: Do you want a calm and sweet mom or a frustrated, annoyed and angry mom? They get it.

  10. Beautiful stories, thanks for sharing them!

  11. I loved the focus on families last conference. I remember quite distinctly when my daughter had a friend taking a seriously dangerous path. I didn't know if I should advise her to be a positive influence or not let the girl drag her down the same path. And while I pondered I realized my answer was that it wasn't my revelation to receive. She needed to pray and decide for herself. Talk about scary!!

    That being said, I have been blessed many times with direct promptings and warnings to watch a child a little closer. I am very thankful for that.

  12. Absolutely and a beautiful post - and now that mine are adult and grown up - I feel like it still continues, once a parent always a parent. I'm so amazed that they continue to seek out experience and counsel -

  13. My post on Saturday was a little of this flavor, but it was more revelation for myself. But the message about turning inward to our families was timely. Thanks.

  14. Lovely post, Dawn. And yes, I have often had the prompting of the Holy Spirit regarding the kids, or a word of wisdom concerning their welfare.

    I cannot imagine raising children without the help of the Lord. I don't understand how parents can do so on their own. The task would be overwhelming.


  15. @Cheryl, You and me both! I don't know how other mothers do it without seeking His help.
    @Amy: I loved your message!
    @Kristin:I feel the same way. The older ones come around with their concerns and I feel so comfortable telling them, "Things will work out. You'll figure it out." and know that that's true.
    @Charlotte:Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I'm so grateful to know other Mommies are having similar experiences! Leading with faith.
    @Moody: Thanks for stopping and commenting. Are you ready for summer?
    @Lisa: We have the same exact conversations about my music! Hey, you gotta use whatever you have to keep your head and heart focused, right?
    @Lori/Joy: Memorize the whole thing? That's great!! We need to do that. Thanks for the idea!
    @Linda: Come by any ol time. And you definitely speak with the voice of experience!!
    @Egan: We so so do need this focus!! Thanks for joining me!
    @Sue: You don't have to cry! lol I love you. Thanks for sharing your open heart with me so much!
    @Connie: Thank you for sharing your experiences too. We do get those impressions for ourselves and our family when we seek them out...and it always serves our best interest.
    @heather: sorry I missed your that we are in another bldg. until the summer! I bet it was lovely. And somehow, I just knew that about your mom.
    @Cherie: I am often in awe of the things that come to my mind regarding my yahoos. And I know they are too! lol But truth stands on it's own and there is no doubt that Heavenly Father loves His children.
    @Marilyn: this doesn't surprise me about you one bit! love you.

  16. Yes, we are in the midst of one and didn't know was what it was called. It is more than a premonition, it has the element of divine.

  17. What beautiful stories. I haven't experienced this for myself, yet, because I don't have children.

    However, I now understand all of the concerned letters I got from my mom while I was a wild child in college. She always knew things about my life that I know I never told her...

  18. Wow. I got chills reading this post. I really need to work on being prepared for divine revelation. Since I have OCD (and worry about EVERYTHING, always panicking) I can never tell if it's the spirit speaking a message of warning, or me worrying that a frog might jump out and land on my skin.

    My home teachers recently told me that if you don't respond to the spirits whispers about small and simple things, then how can you be ready when the spirit shouts the important warnings of danger?

  19. Thanks for sharing all those experiences and your thoughts.

  20. I love that you share your testimony so beautifully through blogging.

  21. I was asked to give a talk this Sunday and remembered a blog where Sue (sue's views, news and muse) shared a story of receiving inspiration. In that post she referred to your blog and boy am I glad I found it. Such a testimony! And I am wondering if I can use some of your stories in my talk as well. I would really appreciate it! :)


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