Thursday, January 20, 2011

In God's Timing OR Where'd that IUD go?

You know how,
when you were young,
you made Plans for your L.I.F.E.?

What you wanted to do.
Where you wanted to go to school.
Who you wanted to marry.
How many yahoos you wanted to have;
and to show a particular sense of responsibility,
choose birth control to govern when those yahoos
would make an appearance
in this mortal nest.

All planned out like a 15 year old
going to her first prom.

You live long enough and you realize
Life is funny sometimes.
Sometimes you do get the dream boat of your affections,
and sometimes you get a tug boat.
And sometimes you get into that school of geniuses
n' sometimes you go to community college.

But you know,
you work things out.
You work with what you've got
and go from there.

I married young.
We lived in Houston, Texas.
Just over a year later,
I had my first baby.
I was over-the-moon-in-love
with his baby-ness.
But man-oh-man,
was I tired. And sore.
But I was happy.
Did I mention tired?

At my 6 week check-up,
I found out I was pregnant again.
I know.
After I sucked it up in the ob's office,
I went out to my car and sobbed
feeling like a very cruel joke had been played on me.

I had just gotten used to nursing,
washing more laundry,
sleep was not happening,
I had no support system
as my husband was in school and working
and no family nearby.
we were moving to another State
the following Spring
for more schooling.

I found out that the La Leche ladies
had lied:
breastfeeding is not a "natural" birth control.

Ten and a half months later,
Danielle was born
in Independence, Missouri.
She was an easy baby.
She slept thru the night
from nearly the beginning.

Thirteen months later,
and one failed "sponge" contraceptive,
Dean was born.

If you're keeping track,
that's three babies
in two years.

That's when I learned that God was in control.
Either that, or I was an idiot.
But we kid around here,
that I needed Dani in-between the two boys
to keep me sane.
She was my right-hand man
and the Lord knew I needed some help.

The next child didn't show up until 6 years later.
After much trying in years 4 and 5.

So where's this going?
Well, a couple of weeks ago,
I went up to Dani's to see the beautiful Ninja baby,
since they'd spent all of their Christmas break
with Mr. Idaho's family.
She had been ill while on vacation--
but so had the rest of his family,
all with the stomach flu.

The stomach flu was not the only thing she had.
Missing a cycle while up there,
she went to her OB when she got home,
where it was discovered
somewhere in time,
her Mirena IUD came out,
and in it's place,
is an 8 week old little fetus.

She didn't tell us any of this before
she first brought out
the ultrasound!
Diana and I just grabbed her
and hugged her tight!
Yea! a baby!
We love babies!

Mr. Idaho is still in
He hates doctors and modern medicine.
He feels betrayed,
because he was "Responsible".
No more kids until graduation--
maybe three years from now...
because he's going onto get his Masters.

Danielle is handling it better, I think,
than I did.
She said, "God's in control."
followed by a "dang it."

I told her it's kharma--
total payback.

She's due in mid-August,
while they are in Houston, Texas
for Mr. Idaho's internship.

God laughs when we make plans.--
I think I heard that maybe once or a million times.

So here's where you share your stories about failed birth control
or the plans that you made that took detours!
Dani will appreciate them.
And poor Mr. Idaho too.


  1. I got pregnant with my youngest while on vacation in Palm Springs, despite the best efforts of a diaphragm, foam, and condom. (Yes, we were being VERY careful.) But the Lord does know what he's doing. Because a couple of years later, I ended up having a rather sudden hysterectomy.

    God makes sure that the people who are supposed to arrive in our homes get way or another.


    PS. Congrats, Grandma! =D

  2. 3 of my 5 were failed birth control. Yes the Lord is in charge and He also has a sense of humor.
    I know Mr Idaho will be totally in love when he gets used to the idea......that he is not in control. did have your hands full those first few years!

  3. For a minute there I thought YOU were announcing something! ;) Congratulations on being a grandma again!

    I have two babies 17.5 months apart. To the day. This was not my plan. But in hindsight, it was surely God's plan. Funny how it always takes hindsight to see the Lord's hand in things. When my second baby was 18 months old, we started "trying" (I hate that term... too graphic) to have our third and final child. A year went by, no baby. Two years went by, no baby. It's been 4 years of trying, and I'm 41 years old now. I think God knew that my body was closing up Baby Shop and He needed to get our daughter down to us PDQ. Condom or no condom.

    We know that our two little children are literal miracles and blessings to us. But only with hindsight. Maybe with hindsight Danielle will think so too.

  4. My crazy Catholic neighbor says she has the "rhythm method" baby, the "Catholic family planning" baby, the "don't even kiss me" baby, and the "Matt sleeps in the garage now" baby.

    Hee hee!

    Jeff Goldblum says it in Jurassic Park: "Life...finds a way."

    Dani & Mr. ID - it's survivable and story-worthy. Far as I'm concerned, that's dang near perfect.

  5. Congratulations to Dani and Mr Idaho! I'm afraid I don't have any failed birth control stories, all my stories are about the opposite thing. If it's any consolation to Dani, there is such a special bond between children born close together, and it is easier for mothers in years to come since their needs are fairy similar. If she can just get through the next few years sane!

  6. Been there. My first (#4)was a between mini and normal BC pill where I found out that foam didn't work. Second time (#6)was a slip up ONE time. ONCE.

    My husband doesn't want to get snipped until he's 40 so I am using IUD, as I figured that was the best choice for no more slip ups.

    You post will now give me nightmares.

  7. I found you on Mormon Moms Who Blog and all I have to say, without saying much, is that I TOTALLY needed this blog post right.this.very.second. It's been months since I've even looked at that Blog listing but something drew me to it today and your title sucked me. God is in control, huh? Even if I thought I am "done" with 6 kids. Right? Blah. *sigh* THANKS.

  8. This was just what I needed to read today! I have a friend who just got pregnant through nursing and the pill, and she really wanted her kids to be 3 years (not 14 months!) apart. She's going to be able to handle this. It must be meant to be! Other friends have decided to stop trying and go back on birth control while putting the rest of their lives in order - it will happen when it happens. I appreciate my friends' and neighbors' attitudes towards having kids - basically, it will work out how it's supposed to, and we can accept it. :)

    I'm glad I haven't gotten pregnant again unexpectedly ... I guess the Lord knows that's something I wouldn't've been able to handle. It was a very rough first year for me, and I've really been enjoying this second year. I think I'll be ready again in 4 months. We'll see how it goes. ;) It's been a fun few years of growing up for me.

  9. I've posted this whole story before (look for the post titled My Lucky Number Is . . . )
    But what a fantastic surprise. I can't get enough of babies. How far apart will they be?
    And I better check my IUD. Thanks for the reminder.

  10. I seriously have no "failed" stories to share! (I'm watching out for the lighting strikes man oh man!) But I sure know who is in control around here and you learn to roll with the punches and watch for the blessings :)

    So LOL about the la leche league birth control mentality . . . I HOPE they have progressed beyond that one by now!


  11. Oh! and congrats by the way!!!!


  12. I planed to be a stay-at-home mom about three years ago. Then my husband lost his job and now I am the one working while he is at home. It's not what I expected, but it was an answer to my prayers to please help us keep our daughter out of day care. I've learned I need to be a lil' more specific in my prayers...hehe

  13. A dear friend of mine with a 13-month-old called me a few months ago and told me how she hadn't been feeling well and ended up in the emergency room. They could not figure out what was wrong with her until they finally gave her a pregnancy test. Yep! Despite being on the pill. She just laughed. God is probably the most reliable form of birth "control," huh?

    We are so excited for you, and for Dani and company!

  14. Breastfeeding totally worked for me. No cycles at all for 18m-2yrs (yes, I bf well into their toddler years). But it's NOT reliable...more of a baby-spacing technique than birth control. In your case...yowza! I can't imagine having a new born before the first was even a year old!!! Congrats on the new grandbaby.

  15. We had intended for Teagan to be an only child. In fact, we were close to making it medically permanent. I'm not big on things implanted in me, we hate condoms, foam stings. We had discovered VCF (film) and liked it very much but one night... in a very spontaneous moment... we decided that waiting the required 15 minutes wasn't going to work, would only spoil the mood... that stopping to put the film in would be a hindrance... so we should just risk it.

    And our risk gave us great reward with our son. I went through a huge roller coaster of emotions- fear, guilt, even some anger. But once I accepted it... I was filled with joy and that joy has been humanized by my son.

  16. It took us over two years, one miscarraige, and several rounds of very expensive and invasive fertility treatments to get our third child and first son here. He was worth every bit of it.

    But I vividly remember sitting on the toilet, staring at the positive pregnancy test 16 months after that. My toddler was scheduled to go in for his second major skull reconstruction in two days, and all I could think about was "Now? Are you kidding?" I was supposed to be infertile. My cycles were really strange, things were crazy and we weren't ready for another baby, especially with all the surgery things going on.

    The new baby is now two months old, sweet as can be. Sometimes God really does know best. Or has a wicked sense of humor. One of the two.

  17. I don't have any to share. Wish I did, actually. But my sister had six kids in 8 years, five of them while using birth control, my neighbor had a baby after having her tubes tied and another lady I know had one after her husband had a vasectomy. My favorite story is my niece though. She had two kids close together and so took measures to be sure to have space before the next one. She found out she was pregnant anyway--with TWINS!! Hahaha. Now she has four kids, 3 and under.

  18. A baby is always good news...Congrats ! The pill was my BC choice during my childbearing years,5 kids last one at age 29 and it was fabulous !

  19. Congratulations!! That is great!! (although Mr. Idaho may be in denial - oops).
    We lost our first, it was hard and I always believed that God had a purpose in that.
    We never had any birth control drama but our children were spaced kind of interestingly.
    God is definately in control and somehow it usually all works out :-D

  20. I got pregnant once when I was still on the pill, but I mis carried that baby. My doctor told me to wait at least 6 months. We did not listen baby #3 came. Baby #4, then 5, then no more baby's for me. My body gave out after 3 surgery's we decided to adopt. 7 years later we have two beautiful baby's with Down syndrome. God is definitely in control.

  21. It took us a long time to get #1 and can't take birth control:( therefore I have no way to relate. Our hope is the rest come Easier!

  22. Wait. It came out? How did it come out? Please explain. (Cause I have one. I need reassurance.)

    It won't be that bad. I found out when my oldest was 6 months old that I didn't have the never ending stomach flu. Oh, and yes. I was on the pill.

  23. I have a blog award to pass along and after reading through your blog posts I really think you deserve it! :)

    Feel free to pick it up at:

    Hope you'll enjoy my blog, too!

  24. Oh my! I will need to talk to Danielle! I am 11 weeks pregnant after my Mirena failed. It was still in place and everything looked fine with it?! We were VERY sure we were done having kids, so we were (still are!!) in shock. It will be nice to have a buddy that wasn't ready for this either.

    Karli (Laub) Godwin

  25. @Karli: I'll bet Dani would love to hear from you! Who knew you two "Laurels" would have similar life experiences! Katie was just here earlier this week on a layover. Do u get to see her much? Congrats on the new baby! Dani's due date is August 17th I think.
    @Alida: Hey thanks! I'll check it out!
    @RachelSue: Best they can determine, it may have come out, shortly after they put it in. She had some side-effect bleeding; called and even asked her ob if there was ANY chance it could've come out, and they told her No Way. So, we're thinking it was probably way back in March or April.
    @Carissa: You guys were married just a couple of months before Dani was, right? I bet you don't have to worry about the next one! Eliza is a doll too! Oh my, she is cute!
    @Patti: Thanks so much for sharing your journey.
    You have a lovely family.
    @Cheri: It is hard to make sense of things, but once you finally "get" that God's Plan is perfect, even down to the details, the peace comes.
    @Nonna: LOL Now you're just bragging! LOL
    @Joy/Lori: Holy Moly--twins?!! oh my. We've got something to be thankful over here!
    @Staci: I think a sense of humor is applicable in this situation. You just gotta shake your head and go, "okay, then. what else?"
    @Liz: thanks so much for joining in on this topic! Emotions run the gamut in this situation, that's for sure! And you're right, once you accept it for what it is--the result is lovely.
    @Moody: and this is why I'm a little loco in la cabassa.
    @Alissa: Dani is reading all of these and smiling. Thanks for sharing!
    @The Lewis Family: Another turn you didn't expect that blesses your life. Perfect.
    @Kristin: No kidding! I don't think their message of breastfeeding includes such a strong emphasis on b/c anymore. Live and learn, eh? And Thank You--I'm secretly very excited for another baby to love!
    @jen: I've read that post of yours before!! So interesting and funny and true! Thanks for sharing it again today!
    @Kamis: It's been fun to watch you "grow up" since your journey as a Mom began! Between you and Tori and Kelsie and Carissa--I'm feeling very old since the days of being your MiaMaid leader! Thanks for jumping in today!
    @Alida: so was this an announcement here? lol If co, congratulations! Thanks for sharing!
    @Charlotte: Just get it checked to resolve the nightmares! Thanks for sharing!!
    @sarah: thank you. Because she is so close in age to her brothers, I think she sees the value in that--altho her oldest brother drove her crazy when they were younger. lol But oh my, they were sooo close too, emotionally.
    @Denae: I want to know your neighbor even more after this! You've spoken about her before, and now, I think she and I would get along wonderfully! Thanks for jumping in today and providing some laughs!
    @Kristina: God will surprise you with other things, no doubt. I've heard He's no respector of persons. lol
    @Laurel: Perhaps this is His way of creating opportunities for us to gain faith in Him and His Love for all of us. Disguising blessings in trials? Thank you for sharing your journey here.
    @Tauna: 3 of 5?! Cool. lol Yeah, those years were almost a blur.
    @Sue:You said it perfectly, and really helped this discussion to get going! Thanks so much for sharing your experience honestly and openly!

  26. How is it that we can create a person accidentally, but not . . . say . . . a swing set? No one says, "Oops, I accidentally built a swing set last night."

  27. That's why I check my strings monthly... :)

  28. Well, I did have an unplanned pregnancy but not because my birth control failed...I failed to plan.
    I look back now and realize how grateful I am that she came into our lives. She saved our young marriage, even though at the time I thought the pregnancy would be our undoing.
    I have been taking the pill for 20 years...since my last child...14 years non-stop. No accidents here. But I know the Lord knows my heart and what I can and can't handle. I've never said, "never" and that's why I haven't done anything permanent, but I figured that if I got pregnant on the pill then that would be my answer...that I needed another baby.

  29. Oh, it'll be all great! They'll be okay, a lot of babies aren't planned, and it's ALWAYS wonderful. Just ask my little, fourth son, unplanned but loved to pieces.

    Oh and if they are looking for a less "modern medicine" approach, perhaps they should consider a Certified nurse midwife. They usually have hospital delivery privileges and are better at the holistic approach. Just a thought.

  30. Found you on MMB. Just like planning to not have kids can not go as planned, planning to have kids can go just not as planned. We'd planned on having a kid by now, not being labeled infertile by the doctors.

  31. My third (and final) baby was a surprise and that wasn't very easy for me to adjust to. I thought I was done and would be going back to school. She is now 8 and of course I can't imagine my little family without her. I know our Heavenly Father sees everything I don't see and there was a reason for sending her to me.

  32. I had an IUD put in after our last one, since we are "done" and it fell out after two months. I'm just glad I managed to notice. Otherwise we'd probably be expecting baby #5 right now.

  33. I come from a family of four girls, I am 100% a girly girl and when we started our family and found out it was a boy I was devastated, then baby #2 was announced a boy during the ultrasound...I mourned the daughter I would never have (we were planning on two children). I adored my boys and no girl could replace them but when pregnant I wanted a girl so bad...I knew what to do with little girls! But I learned quick.
    Well life went on, I went back to school, opened a new business, worked full time, built my business into something wonderful and successful and then got the WORST flu...(ya you know where this is going)...the pill had failed (your doctor will smile when he tells you is was only 97% effective and you won the baby lottery).
    I was 11 weeks pregnant and horribly sick...and it lasted till 34 weeks, they told me it looked like another boy.
    I will be honest I was resentful, I took precautions, I had to work at my business and I was going places with my career, being self employed meant no maternity leave...
    When my husband sputtered, 'I think it's a GIRL' the world tipped on its side. GOD KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING!! What a gift!!
    Compared to my boys she is a handful, spontaneous, high strung, difficult but all girl! having three opened my eyes to something ambition for career has dwindled. I can always go back but my children are small now. We are looking forward to the someday baby #4.

  34. I'm not a Mom, never will be. But, I have enjoyed visiting your world. Seems Magical!

  35. We had planned on having our kids, but it seems after the first one, that each subsequent child happened a few months or so sooner then we were wanting it to happen. But she's right, it is in God's control. There are reasons for the timing that Heavenly Father has in our lives. We just have to remember that it is HIS will and not ours. We just need to be humble enough to be His "Instrument" when we are needed.

  36. I was definitely one of those "I have a plan" people. We even had it written out. I would go to school and get a degree, then my husband (I had 1 1/2 years under my belt, and he had none, so it made sense). And then we would have children. Oh, and I have never been on birth control because when we first got married I was told by the OB not a good idea at the time - migraine's every other day and birth control don't mix. ANYWAY. I registered for school, put in my notice at work, and a week before school started I found out I was pregnant. We just weren't being careful. And I have to laugh, because we were not sealed until a year after we got married ... and in that year my husband got his patriarchal blessing in which is said that once we went to the temple we would be blessed with children. We concieved the week we were sealed. Didn't really think the blessing would be literal, but hey, sometimes it is, eh? I had a REALLY hard time with it. I was praying that I would love my son a week before I had him, is how hard it was. He will be 8 this april and as I look back, I am SO grateful that things turned otu the way they have. My life would have been in a totally different place than it is now. We haven't had any more "accidents", but this got our family started when the Lord had planned for us, and not by our 10 year plan. I have learned that I can make plans, but that I can change those plans where needed, and it is not the end of the world.

  37. I have five children total. The first two were not "planned" but were not "prevented" either. Then I was quite surprised with my twins, 3 years after the "last" child was born :) Here's where it gets interesting... See, I wasn't supposed to be able to survive a pregnancy at all, let alone three, and one of those with twins! So I went on the pill before ever leaving the hospital after the twins. Went in to get my tubes tied to keep me from you.. accidentally killing myself and all. They did routine blood work... Yeah. 7 week old twins and pregnant. AWESOME. The baby is 10 months behind the twins. I am quite certain God laughed so hard he snorted.


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