Thursday, January 1, 2009


My World. Thanks Andra S. for taking this.
Homestaging with Kelly. We make things pretty. ;-) She loves Red!

My attempt at taking Diana's senior pics. She was brave to let me.

Sign I posted for the kids before we moved.

On the Mission. So, this is the story: The night she came home from her mission, we stayed up way least until 1 or 2 am, as she poured out her heart to me about her mission: her companions, her investigators, the language (spanish), the trials, the joys and we also went through her missionary journal--a large journal that was filled to the very end with pictures and momentos that made it into a large scrapbook--each page filled out by other missionaries and friends from the mission. She comes to one page and says as she points at a picture, "See this guy? Yeah, if he ever asks me to marry him, I"m sayin' "YES!" Then she turned the page. I'm like, "WHAT? Wait! Who is that?"
"oh" she says, "that's Elder P****; you'll never meet him though, so no big deal." [shrug]
"O ok." Which just goes to show you that you just never know how things may turn out!

He came home, walked into her heart and closed the door behind him. His parents raised a good son.

Rocky Mountain High.

Thoroughly worn-out and well-done.

Biggest Surprise of My Life!

What a way to start 2008! He was awesome and so was his Mommy!

10. First Doula client gave birth in January 2008--which totally rocked my socks off! Sixteen year old Mom was fantastic!

9. Mother's Day in Meridian, ID. Thanks to Lorna S. for showing me how to truly love and serve others, and reminding me that Heavenly Father is keenly aware of my mothers' heart.

8. Dani's safe return from the New Jersey Cherry Hill Mission after 19 months of service.

7. Kent's new job that brought us back to Colorado, just like our sweet Bishop said would happen in a priesthood blessing months earlier.

6. Moving back to Colorado. The home of my heart. Where I will live until I am old-er and gray-er.

5. Losing 15 lbs. without dieting in the first month back in CO.--even tho' Nannette takes me out to lunch almost daily! Who knew happiness was the cure for fat?!

4. Working with my new home staging partner, Kelly--who makes me laugh so hard my teeth hurt.

3. My first home birth with Dottie. So totally wonderful, amazing, inspiring, tender, perfect.

2. Dani's marriage to Mr. Idaho December 18th. A beautiful blessing for us all in the Salt Lake Temple.

1. Having the entire family together for Christmas after being separated for 5 years. I needed that.

1 comment:

  1. Momza,
    What a small world. My parents went on their second mission to the Cherry Hill, New Jersey mission. Of course that was at least 10 years ago, but it was a true delight for them and they still keep in touch with the wonderful people they met out there. Great recap of a wonderful year.


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