My fingers are kinda frozen in this minute.
My mind is trying to put into words feelings of my heart.
It's taking me a minute to figure out how to do it the way I want to do it.
What I wanna say is this:
To all of you Momma's out there
Who may stumble upon this blog of mine or actually follow it:
Thank you for doing your best as you are mothering your children.
Thank you for teaching them what Character, Morals, Integrity means and how to live with those traits and habits in this very screwed up world.
I need you to keep fighting the good fight. The same fight I am fighting day in and day out.
Thank you for being Consistent and True while raising your Children, who may some day have an association with My Children.
The past couple of days I have had a few, very hard-to-come-by moments of reflection, and I find my thoughts focused on the recent marriage of my oldest daughter, Dani. And on the yearling anniversary of my oldest son, David Scott. More specifically, how grateful I am that they have married really good people. I mean REALLY GOOD PEOPLE.
How grateful I am that my daughter-in-law's mother taught her so well the very important principles of living an honest life. A faithful life. A strong work ethic. A loving nature. An un-selfish character. A morally upright foundation to build upon.
I love this young woman. And she loves my son. She inspires him to be better with all the love of her heart. And he loves her.
When I think of Mr. Idaho--I just feel so much respect for him. He too, has come from a family wherein only the very best of training was employed. He is earnest in all he does. We love him. Dani loves him.
So to all of you Moms out there, wondering if all of your hard work is for naught, may I APPLAUD your efforts and give you a cyber "pat on the back" for your effort!
I have 4 more children who will go out into this world someday, looking for their own unique "someone special" to bring home to the rest of us...it may be one of your own.
They say "like attracts like"...I think that is so true. So just know this: This Momza sees the inherent BIG Picture and is doing all she can to build responsible, faithful, loving adults prepared to meet their match.
Don't get discouraged when days go wrong as they sometimes do. Don't quit trying to have FHE, family prayer, and encouraging your teens to do their best, developing their talents as well as their character! I'm doing the same thing!
We mothers have so much at stake. Motherhood is not for Sissies!
My mind is trying to put into words feelings of my heart.
It's taking me a minute to figure out how to do it the way I want to do it.
What I wanna say is this:
To all of you Momma's out there
Who may stumble upon this blog of mine or actually follow it:
Thank you for doing your best as you are mothering your children.
Thank you for teaching them what Character, Morals, Integrity means and how to live with those traits and habits in this very screwed up world.
I need you to keep fighting the good fight. The same fight I am fighting day in and day out.
Thank you for being Consistent and True while raising your Children, who may some day have an association with My Children.
The past couple of days I have had a few, very hard-to-come-by moments of reflection, and I find my thoughts focused on the recent marriage of my oldest daughter, Dani. And on the yearling anniversary of my oldest son, David Scott. More specifically, how grateful I am that they have married really good people. I mean REALLY GOOD PEOPLE.
How grateful I am that my daughter-in-law's mother taught her so well the very important principles of living an honest life. A faithful life. A strong work ethic. A loving nature. An un-selfish character. A morally upright foundation to build upon.
I love this young woman. And she loves my son. She inspires him to be better with all the love of her heart. And he loves her.
When I think of Mr. Idaho--I just feel so much respect for him. He too, has come from a family wherein only the very best of training was employed. He is earnest in all he does. We love him. Dani loves him.
So to all of you Moms out there, wondering if all of your hard work is for naught, may I APPLAUD your efforts and give you a cyber "pat on the back" for your effort!
I have 4 more children who will go out into this world someday, looking for their own unique "someone special" to bring home to the rest of us...it may be one of your own.
They say "like attracts like"...I think that is so true. So just know this: This Momza sees the inherent BIG Picture and is doing all she can to build responsible, faithful, loving adults prepared to meet their match.
Don't get discouraged when days go wrong as they sometimes do. Don't quit trying to have FHE, family prayer, and encouraging your teens to do their best, developing their talents as well as their character! I'm doing the same thing!
We mothers have so much at stake. Motherhood is not for Sissies!
"Do not be weary in well-doing."
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