Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Today's Confessions

I made my Psycho Chili for dinner.
I also made a peach cobbler.
I skipped dinner
and ate
3 helpings of cobbler.

In order to walk by a Salesman
at a mall kiosk today
selling some kind of
I took Diana's advice
and faked a phone
on my cell phone.
It worked.
Four times.
But I really hate being
acosted while shopping...
"no, thank you. No, really, I don't need that.
I don't have any, nope. But I..I..gotta go...I didn't
come to the mall looking for handlotion made from
llama slobber and camel fur with touches of red sea dirt in it."

I made my bed
at 5:30
in the afternoon,
right before Mr W came home
from work.

I watched Glee tonight
and I loved it.

That is all.

What about u?
Anything you wanna confess here?
They say confession is good for the soul,
spit it out.


  1. My mother in law always says "confession is good for the soul but not the reputation." I will have to think about what I might dare confess, but in the meantime I sure enjoyed reading. Made your bed at 5:30? Shameful!! :-)

  2. No way will I confess anything, I want you to think I'm perfect.... ha ha LOL. Love, NAN

  3. I watched Glee, too, for the first time...and liked it.


  4. You are my kind of woman! I confess I mopped my kitchen floor last night just before the missionaries came and the entire branch Relief Society. It hadn't been mopped in oh......10 days. UG! Now you know I'm a slob. Oh-and yesterday I didn't shower until 11:30 am. (i have no toddlers or babies)


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