Monday, August 25, 2008

What did you do over the weekend?

Well? What did you do?

Me? Well, since my washer died a week ago, I've been trying to figure out how to get my laundry done. Week before last, Dani and I took it all to the laundromat--$30.00 and two hours later we were done. This week we did it all at Nannette's house where she has a washer and dryer that I am coveting. It's BIG! I might have to take a picture of it. But we could only do one load at a time, so we were over there for like, 4 hours. But we kept busy, cleaning and hanging pictures for Nannette. Cuz she owns me. And she says she doesn't know where to hang stuff, so we got the pictures out, some nails and I found the right tool for the job, a screwdriver that I used as a hammer. Kent loves that I'm so creative. I DID use a level I knew what I was doing. It was fun, cuz Nannette is nutz. She's a Mom and a Granma. She's entitled to be a little nutz. She's earned it.

I also read the first 3 Twilight books. What an easy read. How many pages is that? Like 2000?

I don't know, but it was a good escape from sick kids and sad puppies and broken washing machines. Other than being a vegetarian Vampire, Edward is pretty darn near perfect. Bella is quite the mess, and I don't know that if I were Edward, she would hold my attention. She is a good example of a typical teenage girl--and having a housefull of girls these days is more drama than is legal in some countries, I'm pretty sure.

I also helped Dara find a monologue for an audition at school for a play they're doing. We found 2--she'll choose one and let me know. Anywho, while we were doing that, I hear Arianna splashing from the bathroom and poked my head in to see what she was doing...the pictures speak for themselves. She is the funnest kid. What would we ever do without her?! Seven kids is alot of kids...but she was worth the wait. I love her.
Joseph has been sick all weekend with a cold. He watched cartoons in my bed all day.
And the mountain pic is off my back deck this morning. I love these mountains.

1 comment:

  1. OH FINALLY! Someone who see's Bella like I do! She drives me totally nuts!! And Edward is WAY to interesting to be into someone so predicable! She maybe a teen but she's got real issues. I don't like Jacob either but since he and Bella are both so much alike in maturity, they really do belong to one another. Gag me. Wait till you real the will want to poke Bella's eyes out. I feel your pain about the washer and dryer! I wish mine would just finally die so I could get new ones!


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