Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

The Caboose...after playing in the snow for around 10 hours...I'm not kidding. Mr. Wonderful calls her "Bulletproof"--cuz she is one tough kid! Love those rosey cheeks!
Jack Frost was here....he kissed my baby's cheeks and nose.

That's real snow on my door wreath! Love it!!!
My kids and all of their buddies are praying for a Snow Day tomorrow. I dunno, it's supposed to be 50o tomorrow and sunny, which means all of this will be melting...but a late start is fer sure, totally.
We watched favorite movies (Pride & Prejudice and Charlie Brown Christmas)...snacked too much of the turkey day leftovers, and in general were just lazy snow-lovin fools.

1 comment:

  1. ok. Where should I start? I'm so glad you guys had a wonderful, delicious Thanksgiving! I am so so so happy for you and jealous for me of all that beautiful snow and pink cheeks:). I love your family! Plus... I'm so happy I could finally come back to your blog! I can never access it from my email, but I could return from your comment:). Love you all!!!!


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