Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This is a sad post. So if you're having a bad day, you may want to skip this today.

Did you read about the Father of FIVE who killed his children, his wife and then himself in California? He & his wife had both been laid-off and TOGETHER they decided that since they cannot care for their chidlren, this was the solution to their sorrow.

I sat and read the story as sorrow filled my own heart. I kept thinking, where are their friends? Family? Neighbors? How did it get so bad that these two parents, once-upon-a-time-sweethearts lost all hope and saw death as their only option?

I know times are hard. Believe me, I do. After going thru a year--that is one solid year-- of gainful unemployment for my husband--I get it. But we were not alone in that year. We had friends who rallied around, we had home teachers and visiting teachers, 2 good Bishops, and an awesome Relief Society President--they checked up on us, walked with us thru the hard days and carried us along. That was one very long year.
We ate thru our food storage. We blew thru our savings after 6 months. And then, we leaned into our faith and each other. We found part-time jobs, I did my doula thing & home staging that helped; we did all we could to take care of our family, and then we prayed.
HOPE was one thing that kept us going. HOPE lifted my spirits on the really tough days.

How did this family in California have absolutely no hope? Where was everyone they knew?

I feel a stirring within, that is going to make me walk down the street today and talk to a neighbor I have suspected for a while now is having a hard time. I think she needs a friend. I'm good at that. I can be her friend, if she will let me.
Listen, we have to take care of each other. We have to do our Part where we live. Look beyond the end of our own noses and care for someone else.

So I gotta go bake something. What? I dunno. But I'll find something, make it and take something warm to my neighbor. Today, I will make a difference however I can.
*Note: when I got to her door, she was on the phone, so I just dropped off the goody with a smile. I didn't get to visit with her, but at least she knows I was thinking of her. It's a start!


  1. You always make a difference. That is why I love you. Love, NJ

  2. I don't think this is a sad post. It is sad for the family who died, certainly, but your personal story was sweet, and uplifting. And your challenge to reach out to others is inspiring. I loved the talk in conference where we were told we would have opportunties to become more united in the future. I think this is exactly what was meant. Times are tough and going to get tougher, and we all need to pull together and help each other through them. I hopefully we can all learn from the tragedy in the paper and reach out.

  3. I am so grateful for the tough times, they are truly the things that make me realize how necessary my Savior is in my life. He has carried me on one of the hardest journeys I hope I ever have to make. But it was that experience that taught me of his love and compassion for such a wretched soul. I am so blessed to have felt his love and his strength as he lifted me and helped me to breathe through that dark time. I love him so much.

  4. I agree with Joy-not a sad post-but a post full of faith and charity and hope.

  5. I had not heard that story and it really just makes me so sad! Me and my hubby have been having financial challenges over the past year and have had to rely on our faith to get us through. Where would we be without the church? Maybe where that family was...feeling such despair that death is the only way out? I hope not. WE are so gratful for family and ward members and bishops that have been there through the difficult times. Thanks for your post...I especially needed to read it today.

  6. You once told me that I was friend to you in a moment of need.....But I hope you know each time I see your smile, you are my friend. We all need support, and it is not a cliche to say that all we need sometimes is a supportive, loving smile. You always have that for me. I miss your smile, but I love the memory. Glad I can be your friend online ;)

  7. Sara: The morning I walked into the ICU and saw your face with my client, my heart was overjoyed. Truly. I needed to see someone I knew was a lovely person. You taught me so much in that setting and I will always be grateful for your knowledge and ability. B-T-W, the baby was a year old on the 19th.


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