Friday, January 30, 2009

Familial Friday

These are my peeps. From L to R top: My very wonderful DIL-Tisha aka Tenesha, David Scott, Mr. Wonderful, Me, Dani, Dean, Nana L to R front: Daisie, Boofus, and the Caboose.
*funny story: last night after dinner, I was leaning on the kitchen island, listening to Mr. Wonderful talk about his day. The Boofus comes over and starts poking me with his pencil--without thinking, I did a back-kick in self-defense--not a forceful kick at all, just raised my foot behind me to block his poke--well, immediately he does a half-laugh-half-squeal and drops to the ground! "what happened?" "Aww mom you got me in the balls." "The what?" "The scientific word is nuts." "Where did you hear this language?" Mr. Wonderful and the Boofus both reply: "School." So he lay there writhing and laughing at the same time. I giggled too, I really had not taken aim or used any force, and the fact that he was laughing assured that he was not really injured. What a kid. ugh. Dontcha love school? Should I call his Science Teacher?
"Is this what you're teaching 3rd graders nowadays? What happened to bottle rockets and baking soda?"


These were taken last May at the Boise River shoreline in Eagle, Idaho--which was approx. 2 miles from our home there. I love these kids. David Scott is hands-down the funniest person I have ever met. When he was a rotten teenager (a term of love in our house)--no matter how mad I would be at him, he could say one thing and make me laugh! SO I stood there, pointing at him, and said, "That's funny!-BUT you're still in trouble!"

And this of course, is an outtake from Dani & Mr. Idaho's engagements, taken at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. She makes me laugh too. And Mr. Idaho's "Jim Halpert face" always makes me smile. On Mother's Day when I was alot younger (4 kids at the time), all I wanted for a "gift" was to be able to get myself dressed for church without interruptions. That and to have everyone else dress themselves. Well, ha! that didn't happen: all the kids were fussin' and feudin', some couldn't find their shoes, there was weepin' and wailin' and gnashin' of teeth goin on! I stepped down the hall into the front livingroom, and pointed to all of them:" All I've ever wanted was to be a Wife and Mother!--AND YOU PEOPLE ARE RUINING THIS EXPERIENCE!" lol Of course, I had to laugh as soon as the words came out of my mouth--so ridiculous. Hey, being a Mom is alot of work. But so far, in my life, it's all been worth it.

I have alot to be thankful kids are healthy and happy. Kent has a job in an economy that is struggling. Everyone does their best for the most part. That gives me peace and joy.

I have to remember this b/c tomorrow is Saturday and it gets way crazy around here on Saturdays: breakfast with the elders, piano lessons, messy kitchen, kids running in and out, late nights, and early Sunday mornings.

I am blessed. I am blessed. I am blessed. Ahhhh...okay Saturday, Bring it on!


  1. Follow away! It's so flattering! You have a beautiful family and with 5, I really am amazed at people who have more (7 pregnancies!!?). What a fun and interesting life you have!

  2. A crazy Saturday at your house would be worth the price of a ticket and I would love being a fly on your wall. Something tells me that your Saturdays are filled with love and joy and a little bit of chaos. How fortunate you truly are.
    enjoy every minute

  3. What a lovely looking family! Why is the child called Boofus?

  4. Ha! well The Boofus' real name is Joseph, but his sister who was 4 at the time of his birth couldn't pronounce Joseph, calling him "JO-FUS", then his daddy said he was "boo-hooing" one night, and put the two words together BooFuss..weird I know. But it stuck, poor fella. And FYI, the Caboose is aptly named because she is the youngest of 7. Ta Da!


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