Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Wonders

Miracles and tender mercies. That's what my weekend felt like. I'm still collecting my thoughts and in wonder of the events we witnessed.

Let's see, Friday night the missionaries came over again, to teach about the Law of Fasting. Which isn't a criminal-type law, but a covenant law. When we fast, we are committing our focus to a purpose and become more of a partner with our Father in Heaven, seeking His blessings and will. Simply Put: It is more purposeful prayer.
So at the end, one of the missionaries, E. Nuttall asked if Taylow would fast on Sunday in preparation for her confirmation. Just then, E. Gulbrandsen stopped him, and instead, gave a promise that if Taylow and our family would begin our fast that night after dinner, that her father would request a meeting with the missionaries. That took us aback, but feeling the spirit in his words, we agreed. Well, that cut out my Saturday morning breakfast that we make for the family and missionaries--no sausage gravy and biscuits for any of us. (I was kinda glad to not have to get up early tho, so that was okay.)
Saturday morning was spent getting ready for the baptism. Nana and Taylow made a ton of brownies and PB&J sandwiches for the refreshments afterward--cuz when we asked Taylow what her fav treat was, she said PB&J sandwiches! Somewhere, I even got a nap in...yea!
The baptism was at 3pm. It was one of the sweetest experiences I've had in a long long time.
The Program was lovely. The room was packed with friends, missionaries, ward members and family. Taylow's Mom, Brother, and yes, her Father were there too. (In his shoes!) Her Mom brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Mr. Wonderful performed the baptism. She had to be "dunked" twice lol, cuz her foot popped up. That was kinda funny. When he told her, we could hear her say, "Are you serious?" lol So yup, he was, and she was baptized again!
The rest of the program was carried out by our YW's president who spoke on the Holy Ghost, and Mr. Idaho, along with 2 other young men we've known a long time shared their testimonies. One of them, Matt, also allowed us to share our faith with him a few years ago, and was baptized and now serves in his YSA ward and in the Denver Temple. The story there is that he asked Dani out in college, and on their first date, she gave him a Book of Mormon. It took him 2 years, but he jumped in and hasn't looked back. The other, Eric, is also a convert we've known since Dani was in HS.
That's another story. Anyway, those 3 shared their testimonies. Perfect.
The girls and I were supposed to sing "I know that my Redeemer lives"--but they forgot to put it in the program, so we didn't. Actually, we were relieved! lol We sing acapella and enjoy it, but we were glad to be able to just sit this one out.
It is hard to describe how strong the Spirit was there...we all felt the Holy Ghost there so intensely. Taylow just beamed...from head to toe. She is still beaming. Her father stayed until the end of the program, then told her he loves her and left. He was humbled. He'll be back.

She was confirmed in Church yesterday by Mr. Idaho and what a great blessing. Her "journey" to that moment was mentioned, and how our Father in Heaven has been with her every step of the way. I was emotional. Imagine that. Taylow's so so happy. She glows from the inside out.

After church, our Ward Mission leader, Bro. B asked if Mr. Wonderful and I would participate in a combined RS & Preisthood meeting in 2 weeks. The theme, I believe is about becoming or being a "Gospel sharing" family. Mr Wonderful asked if that request would cancel out our speaking assignment for next week. Um no.

I've been thinking about Bro B's request since then. And all of the things that have transpired over the last couple of weeks with Taylow and her father and the missionaries and my own baptism. It's alot, and I won't go into it all here.
But I chose that picture by Liz Lemon Swindle on this post for a reason. I love this picture. I bought it and Liz signed it many years ago for one of my daughters who was having a hard time.
Sometimes we are like Mary at the tomb. She is looking for Jesus Christ--it had been a long week for her, and I imagine she had not slept in days , especially over the weekend, because of all the horror of the Crucifixion. Can you even imagine? She probably hadn't eaten anything either, so heavy was her heart. And recall also, that the earth had been in a tumult of shaking and darkness. She probably left as soon at the first light of dawn to go to Him. And then, getting to the tomb and finding it empty, you can feel the anguish on her face. Her heart is surely broken.
Yet, there He is right behind her. Within a moment of her discovery of an empty tomb, He will show her the Power of God...a resurrected Being. HIS resurrected body.
It reminds me that when I am troubled and feel despair, my Savior is truly right behind me. Near to me. And I too can be shown His love and His power.
I've seen that so brilliantly this past week in Taylow's life. She did wade out into her own "Red Sea", even up to her neck. And she did not drown. We walked with her, but more important, her Father in Heaven led the way, opening the sea waters as it were. Her anguish is gone. Her joy is full. She is Clean. She has taken her place.


  1. It is always easier to type if the tears are not blocking the vision, but they are tears of sweet joy for both you, Taylow and also for me! It was such a blessing being involved with this miracle even if it is at a distance. My testimony has been strengthened because you shared. Thank you for making a difference in my life today.

  2. I'm so happy I found your blog. I always feel better after having been here.

  3. What a beautiful experience that will surely be remembered for forever. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  4. What a sweet experience. I was on pins and needles all day Saturday just thinking about you and what was happening with your family. I appreciate you sharing it. I loved your explanation of the picture as well. It made me wonder how many times we face a trial in our life and think the Savior isn't there when in reality He is standing right behind us. Good luck with your talk and lesson preparations.

  5. RBS, Marilyn, Cocoa, and Joy:
    Thank you so much for your kind words. as we went thru thsi experience with our sweet girl, we learned so much. She is on Cloud 9! She is living with our family now and we are grateful for her example. Thanks for all the encouraging words.


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