Thursday, March 5, 2009

Countin' Instead of Whining

I want to be positive. Mostly because it's so much more fun than whining. I don't like to whine. Saying outloud the "negative" only reinforces the negative. So somewhere in my little noggin is a spark that fires when I wanna whine that says to me, "look for something better."
Thus, "Count Your Blessings". I haven't had any sleep in 2 days--so this could get loopy.
1. I'm still in my jammies at 9:24am.
2. I have a car that allowed me to take 5 separate trips to the kids' school yesterday...once for dropping off, once for taking meds up at noon for them (two different schools), once for picking Joseph up because he puked on the playground, and one more time to pick up the Caboose after school.
3. While Joseph and the Caboose are home from school today ill, coughing like cigarette-smoking-emphysema-patients, they are quietly watching TV. Too sick to bicker. Sad and at the same time, appreciated.
4. Though Daisie is also home sick, she is in her room quietly reading and resting.
5. I am grateful that we have health insurance--so the many trips we've taken to the Doc's office this month have only equated to about the cost of a new purse instead of the cost of an arm or leg.
6. And I have peace of mind with insurance. So if we need another Doc visit, it's there for us.
7. All of my older kids got through one more day, safely without me. They're out living thier lives and spending their own money.
8. It's Thursday--one day closer to Friday!
9. Friday is Time Out For Women in Denver!
10.TOFW means: going up there with my good friends,Kelly & Nan-- and ward sisters; sleeping in a hotel bed that I do not have to make[yes!]but probably will anyway--and a non-cooking day [woohoo!!]! Listening to awesome women speak about issues that affect me, inspire me, and fill my cup, so I do not run away from home!
11. I could, if I wanted to, just crawl into that hotel bed tomorrow afternoon and sleep thru the whole entire conference.
12. Thankfully, I know Nan or Kelly wouldn't judge me if I did that--but they love me too much to let me.
13. I know my husband loves me. He's already called this morning to see how all the sickies are and told me he'll "be on guard tonight". Sleep...oh how I crave thee.
14. I must've drifted off to sleep at one point last night, because I remember dreaming about Donny Osmond in Las Vegas...on account that my VT, Charlotte B. is a friend of his wife's and told us about her trip to Vegas last weekend for Debbie Osmond's birthday...without sharing all the details, that Donny is one great husband. So I dreamed about that last night--only I was an invited guest and couldn't find anything to wear to the big party! That would SO be the reality of it too--I'd have nothing to wear!
15. I am 2 degrees of separation from Donny. Never saw that coming! The thought makes me near-giddy!
16. It's 10am and I am still in my jammies and I have a clear calendar today. What a blessing!
17. I heard a child say something in all earnestness last night that has imprinted my heart:
"I was born to do good." His momma is one good Momma.
18. I was born to do good. too.
So count your many blessings,
name them one by one,
and it will surprise you
what the Lord hath done!


  1. You were still in your jammies at 10:00? Oh, I am so very jealous! I am never in my jammies past 4:30 a.m. Ugh. Maybe this summer I can set a goal for 10.

    Sorry you still have sick kids though. I love that you are counting your blessings. :-) It reminds me of Elder Holland's talk where he said "There is nothing so bad that whining about it can't make it worse."

    And Donny Osmonds wife . . . did she just turn 50? So is that what the big party was about?

  2. Sick days are hard...Hard for the sick ones, and hard for the Mom who worries and works the 24 hour sick duty shift. I love your last thought. It is good for us all to remember I think. We were all born to do good.


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