Monday, May 17, 2010

Watching Your Kids Over Summer 101

Basic Safety Tips from the Field:

When Going to the Woods/Forest:

1: Use the Buddy System wherever you go.

2. When Hiking as a Family, Post one Adult at the front of the line, and one Adult at the end.(Adult Bookends)

3. Have younger kids wear a whistle to use in's much louder than their little voices.

4. Stay on the TRAIL. Teach your kids to do the same. Never, ever, get off the trail.

At the Pool/Beach/Fishing Pier:

1. If they can't see you, you can't see them.

2. Water Wings or life vests, even if toddlers/new swimmers are not in the water.

3. Put the Book, Phone, PC down and watch your kids play.

4. Teach them basic water play safety.

5. No Running, means no running.

6. Keep your eyes on the kids, even if you're visiting with a friend. There is nothing more important than watching your kids.

In the Neighborhood:

1. Teach Bicycle Safety--defensive driving style. Assume cars are NOT looking out for kids.

2. Watch your kids walk to their friends' house down the street until they are safely there.

3. Buddy System again, really works.

4. Before a child plays on your trampoline, make sure to get a SIGNED permission slip from theie parents that releases you from liability in the case of an accident. Make certain your kids & their friends follow basic trampoline rules.

5. Have your child's friends' home phone numbers.

At Disneyland/SeaWorld/Mall, etc:

1. When you arrive, point out "SAFE ADULTS" to the kiddos, which would be a FEMALE Employee of the Park/Mall/Store/etc.

2. Put a peice of paper in their pocket/on their person with Your Name/cell number on it.

3. Again, use the Buddy System.

4. Adult Bookends for all lines, seats, rides.

5. Have the kids dress in same color T-shirts when possible, or have them wear same color bandanas, etc. for easy identification.

6. Bring a recent pic of your family with you...tuck it in your purse/backpack.

7. Report Your Child Missing ASAP.

For More Basic Safety Rules:,9171,1101020729-322649,00.html

Let's all have a safe and wonderful summer.
Watch your kids.

*this is a repost from Summer '09, but I thought it would be good to do it again.


  1. Thanks for the tips and links! Even when I was the teenager with my fam at a fun park of sorts, I was constantly counting my family members to make sure we were all there. Like, constantly. I think I'll be one of those parents that do the leash thing with her kids if we ever get to Disneyland.

  2. This is great. I'm going to tell my DIL to come on over and have a look!


  3. Excellent ideas! Everyone needs to read this. Thanks for the reminders.

  4. I'm checking in and reading your blog, but finding it hard to find the time and energy to comment this whole moving, working, cleaning, ripping out flooring, etc is killing me! Should be over in August. Maybe I can be back to so-called normal by then! Love your blog and your wisdom! Happy summer!

  5. Should we wear matching shirts and bandanas on our trip to Utah??? I look best in pink, and red, and blue.... Love, NJ

  6. Great rules for safety, peace of mind and avoiding disasters as well !

  7. All great ideas, I especially loved your tips for visiting the large amusement parks. Really helpful to have them dressed in the same t-shirt. Especially if it's a bright color, help you spot them in the crowd. Hadn't thought about the info in the pocket - great idea!


  8. kudos, Momza,

    a good, comprehesive and timely post.
    good work. :-)

    btw, re: >>>If they can't see you, you can't see them.<<<

    this was just what we'd tell our kids: "if you can't see us, you're in the WRONG place".

    we smiled when we saw it on your list.

    thanks for a great post.


  9. That is all great advice. I am sorry to say that I know of a little boy who was lost in the forest and died from exposure, another little boy who drowned in a swimming pool with his entire extended family around him--but with all the adults busy talking with each other, and my sister just had a neighbor girl break her leg on my sister's trampoline in the first few minutes of a birthday party. Now the family is suing my sister.

    So . . . you really can't ever be too careful.

  10. I agree wholeheartedly. And I am a worrier so I wish all parents would read and follow these rules :D


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