mommy graphics
Yesterday was Prenatals Day at the clinic.
Every hour a beautiful belly with bright eyes
and arms and legs
and warm smiles
walked into the office.
I love those bellies.
Not in a creepy, fetish-y way
but in a happy, sisterly way.
I love em.
Many of our Moms are ready
And they all consistently said the same thing:
"It's gone by so fast."
As we listen to heart tones
for the
th-thump thump thump
thru the dopler
what is it about that sound
that makes us so dang happy?
Knowing a little baby is
inside the round belly
is just the best peek into
Godly things
Life's eternal nature
that we have.
And I love being a part of it.
As we watch the Ultrasound
eyes peeled
alert and wide
for a hand
a leg
and OH! there's his/her face!
We delight in the sights!
And I watched a couple
hold hands
and beam as the ultrasound
searches for their child's gender...
Momma says she's felt it's a
since the beginning.
Daddy smiles and says he hopes she right,
they both agree it really doesn't matter
"just as long as it's healthy."
Momma was right from the beginning.
It's a Boy!
Little tears surface as they smile
knowing he's been there all along.
All day long
Bellies walk thru the door.
Some bellies have not seen labor yet
Some have seen labor many times.
One belly is ready ready ready
to see labor for the first time
and is wondering when it will happen?
We all smile and say,
"It'll go by so fast. Enjoy your last quiet moments together!"
And isn't that a happy thought?!

mommy graphics
What about you? Did you want to know the sex of your child right away or did you want the surprise at the end?
Did you use a Doula?
Every hour a beautiful belly with bright eyes
and arms and legs
and warm smiles
walked into the office.
I love those bellies.
Not in a creepy, fetish-y way
but in a happy, sisterly way.
I love em.
Many of our Moms are ready
And they all consistently said the same thing:
"It's gone by so fast."
As we listen to heart tones
for the
th-thump thump thump
thru the dopler
what is it about that sound
that makes us so dang happy?
Knowing a little baby is
inside the round belly
is just the best peek into
Godly things
Life's eternal nature
that we have.
And I love being a part of it.
As we watch the Ultrasound
eyes peeled
alert and wide
for a hand
a leg
and OH! there's his/her face!
We delight in the sights!
And I watched a couple
hold hands
and beam as the ultrasound
searches for their child's gender...
Momma says she's felt it's a
since the beginning.
Daddy smiles and says he hopes she right,
they both agree it really doesn't matter
"just as long as it's healthy."
Momma was right from the beginning.
It's a Boy!
Little tears surface as they smile
knowing he's been there all along.
All day long
Bellies walk thru the door.
Some bellies have not seen labor yet
Some have seen labor many times.
One belly is ready ready ready
to see labor for the first time
and is wondering when it will happen?
We all smile and say,
"It'll go by so fast. Enjoy your last quiet moments together!"
And isn't that a happy thought?!
mommy graphics
What about you? Did you want to know the sex of your child right away or did you want the surprise at the end?
Did you use a Doula?

Oh Momza, what an amazing way to spend a day! I did not find out, of course when I was doing the birthing thing, ultrasounds were only used if there wes a problem.
ReplyDeleteI have two new grandbabies coming this year and one is only 2 weeks away. Both mommas and daddies prefer to be surprised so we find out when the little ones make their arrival. I love it that way. I am grateful to them for choosing it. Besides it doesn't really matter if we know or not, they are what they are and knowing or not knowing will not change it even if we wanted to (not that we want to).
I love your description of the new mommas coming in the door, it made me think of our little Amy, just 2 weeks until the big day. I can't wait!
I think it's great that you're a childbirth coach. I was tempted to have a few of ours at home, but never quite got there. Several were way early. If ever I could choose a profession/career (besides the one I have now), it would be to help other women give birth. You have the best job in the world!
ReplyDeleteThe way you describe a mommy-to-be reminds me of those last weeks/days before delivery....always exciting!
We never wanted to know if we were having a boy or girl. Sometimes it'd slip by the ultrasound tech and that was okay, but we always wanted to be surprised. Then when we saw the baby we'd choose the name among those we'd talked about.
Thanks for bringing back good memories of childbirth. I'd do it all over and over and over again. Such sweet memories! Thanks!
What great work you do!
ReplyDeleteAs for my babies, ultrasound wasn't an option the first three times, but for the fourth I did find out the sex ahead of time because we were having trouble thinking of a name and figured at least we could narrow it down to one gender as far as naming went.
I liked knowing because I could call him "Todd" even before he was born, but I did miss the element of surprise somewhat.
No doula for me, but I did have natural childbirth all four times, and it was a great experience. My doctor pretty much let me do my thing, and I only had an episiotomy the first time because the baby needed to come out fast, as the cord was around his neck and his heart rate was dropping too much.
Wonderful time of life, and it must be great to share it with so many.
There is something so magical and reassuring about hearing the heartbeat, especially the first time. I was right about all my kids' sex, well my very first inkling was right, then I would doubt it as the months rolled on. Only found out through ultrasound the sex of #3. I'd rather be surprised. No doula, but would've loved to have had one. I was blessed with easy, natural births.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a very gifted and giving woman. As for me, I had 5 kids in 4 preganancies and that was enough for me. I just wait by the phone or in the waiting room at the hospital now.
ReplyDeleteMy great grandma was a midwife and mother of 13 children...she has her place in heaven for sure !
I stand in total awe of women like you Momza who help other women bring their precious babies into the world ! LOL
I have found out the sex of every single one of my children. When we started out we always said that after we had one of each we would have the next baby be a surprise. Nope. We didn't.
ReplyDeleteWhich is good. Because it takes us so long to agree on a name that if we waited we would never name the child.
And we didn't use a doula, but I wish I would have. My first 3 were born with Dr.s, but I went to a midwife for my 4th and loved her. I really wanted a doula, but I didn't really know how to go about finding one, and I was kind of worried about the cost. So I didn't. Maybe next time.