Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/01: Where Were You?

It was a Tuesday.

The oldest 5 kids were at school.

The TV was on in the background

Then our local TV station broke in

and were talking about a plane

crashing into a building in New York City.

I sat down in front of the TV

for more information.

At first I thought it might be

a small engine plane

just a random lost pilot

who crashed into a building.

The word


came out of the TV.

Terrorist? really?

I had no idea.

Then in horror,

the 2nd plane hit

and I was glued to the TV

listening for more.

Then the Plane crash

in Pennsylvania.

Who was attacking us
and why?

President Bush was supposedly

already in the air

on his way to Norad...

right here in the Springs.

All air traffic came to a halt.

And our Air Force Academy closed it's gates.

Nobody In, Nobody Out.

I picked up my kids

from school.

and held them tightly at home,

waiting for

"what's next?"

As my kids and I watched the news,

Dani turned to me and said

"what about the kids?"--

meaning the children whose parents

died in the terror.

"We have to do something, Mom."

Two days later,

Dani put together a

non-profit organization



she launched a huge teddy bear drive

and got some local newspaper

and radio attention for it.

This being a huge military town,

donations came from


Everyday was like Christmas

at our house...

just a constant flow of bears

coming in the front door.

In all shapes and sizes!

One night the phone rang,

I answered it, and the voice on the other end

"Look on the porch!"

We all made a mad dash

to the front door

to find half-dozen beautiful

Gund Bears sitting together

on the porch swing!

We never did find out

who left them,

but Wow! what a fun


Bears came from everywhere:

The police department

high schools

elementary schools

One Edison Elementary

handmade teddy bears in

patriotic fabric for the drive!

They were beautiful and each had

a sweet message attached

by the child who'd sewn it.


Daycare centers



Bears came from

all over the country--


San Francisco

and Houston;

in the end she collected

nearly 5,000

brand new or nearly new

teddy bears.

Swift trucking

out of Phoenix, AZ.

sent a truck to our house

and took those bears to

United Way

in New York City, NY

just before

Thanksgiving Day.

We cried when the truck left--

the people who came to our

home and dropped them


shared their own stories and feelings

about 9/11.

We loved



having a house full


Teddy Bears!

Doing something for others

helped us to heal from the

sorrow and fear.

Our only hope is that

those little bears

comforted some little one's

hearts too.

Isn't it amazing

that's how it always is?

Dani's hand-made poster...

Dani and a portion of the bears that filled our livingroom for months.

What about you? Where were you?
Did you do anything to help heal yourself,
your family or your country?


  1. That is one amazing girl you've got there.

  2. I LOVE what Dani did. How cool is that?!

    Being in California, Dave hadn't even left for work yet when tragedy struck. He was in the shower, and I was just getting up and watching the news when I saw the plane hit. Like you, I thought it was a small plane gone astray. All too soon, it became clear that it was far more than that.

    At the time, I was writing for Deseret Book's online magazine (then Mormon-Life, now LDS LIving). As usual, my first reaction was to get my feelings down on paper, and that's what I did in a couple of articles. As far as helping the relief efforts, we and everyone I know around here made donations (goods and money) to every group that seemed legit. Unlike Dani, we didn't start one of our own, though.

    I'm impressed!


  3. I was at home, watching the Today Show and I said after the first plane hit, "terrorists" and after the second plane hit, " both towers are going to collapse" to my Hubs...

    All our kids called for assurance that we would be alright. It was a devastating day but not a surprise...terrorists have been trying for years to destroy America.

    On a much happier note:
    That is just awesome about the Teddy Drive ! LOL

  4. Wow. What a tremendous service. Love all those bears.

    I was at home, cleaning the house, when my husband called and told me to turn on the TV. I was horrified by what I saw and scared of what lay ahead. I still cannot believe it happened and feel sad for all of those who lost loved ones that day.

  5. I bet lots of those kids still have their bears. How wonderful.

    I was home with Charlie who was just over 2. Mike was taking Annie to preschool. I went to pick her up an hour later. It felt like we should be together. We all slept in the same bed that night.

  6. What a great daughter you have!! I am sure her efforts blessed the lives of all those who received the bears. Interesting we used to live by the owners of Swift and the current president now lives near us.

    I think everyone will remember exactly where they were that morning. I was hosting a birthday breakfast for my good friend when my husband called after hearing the news on the car radio. That same neighbor's husband later drove to NY with construction supplies to help out. My husband's company also donated supplies. It is too bad we can't maintain that same spirit of unity during less physically threatening times.

  7. How healing it must have been to DO something! I think that's fantastic. Wow! I may write about my 9/11 memory. Such a very scary time!

  8. What a beautiful heart your daughter has!

  9. This made me cry. It was such a tragic day, and yet your daughter took and made it into something beautiful. That is incredible!

    Thanks you for sharing and inspiring me today.


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