Saturday, September 5, 2009

Colorado Springs Balloon Classic Morning

I woke up pretty early unsure whether to wake the kids up or not to go downtown to Memorial Park for this huge event...Boofus popped his head out of his room earlier than normal and said he wanted to go then went and asked the Caboose if she wanted to go...they were dressed in about 30 seconds. Which boggles the mind, because on school days it's takes 100 times that long! As you can see, it's still daybreak when we got there...and the clouds were super low...
They had a bunch of blow-ups for the kids...

And then the balloons started rising...

And the crowds grew thicker...

This balloon company right here is from Miami, Florida. It's a Charity-run org for kids called Sunrise and they do this to promote awareness.

Gotta love the American Flag...

More and more balloons and people...

We now interrupt your fun for a commercial...ugh. seriously?

Funnel cake...note the time 07:58AM. If you think about it, it's just one messy doughnut with addictive ingredients. yum.

The Chick-Fil-A seriously, this is why Boofus wanted to see the cow. I'm not kidding. I plan on holding onto this when he starts dating.

The Colorado Balloon.

And that was about it for this morning. Because the clouds were so unstable, there was no launch this morning, but they are hoping to lift-off tomorrow. But we'll miss that cuz we're all goin' to get all spiritchual n stuff. It was still fun to do something different. The Balloon people do this from city to stop is Snowmass, CO and then in October there's a huge show (750+ Balloons) in Albuquerque, New if you're close to those towns make sure you go!


  1. Sounds like a fun event. Too bad you didn't get to see any launched, but they're still beautiful on the ground, too!


  2. And in November we have a balloon classic here in Phoenix. What fun for your family to go today!! Very cute pictures.

  3. I'm impressed with your kids! Looks like a lot of fun even if they didn't launch.


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