Monday, September 28, 2009

We Get By With a Little Help

As I watched my family this weekend

help out our brother, Deano,

I was struck with the thought,

"How do other moms teach their kids to be unselfish?"

I don't know how I would do that without Dean.

In the middle of the night

Daisie woke me up to say

"Dean has to go to the bathroom."

I opened my eyes to see her standing at the door

with Dean dressed in his coat, his shoes on

--obviously she had done this for him

without any prompting from me or Dad.

Then she led him out of the tent

into the pitch black forest

and down the road with a flashlight

towards the campsite bathrooms.

I looked at my watch

2:00 AM.

When we invite Dean to go Camping
with us we know
we will not be hiking
to great heights or exploring unfamiliar trails.
We know it will be a different
kind of camping trip.
Our trip will be slower
more deliberate
as we have to take into consideration
Dean's physical limitations.

We love Dean
and while we might think
that WE are the ones taking him along--
In the end,
it is Dean
who is guiding us,
on this journey--
and the heights
are loftier
and grander
than we can imagine
and the trail is

p.s. it was really windy, so the sound is crummy


  1. What a wonderful trip! And Dean is such a cutie. Every time I come to your page, my kids see the pic of him on the side and say "Santa Claus!"

  2. That is so sweet! I teared up reading this. We have a man in our ward who is special needs and even though he is 45, I think we all think of him as a young man, anyway when he blesses the sacrament the spirit is so strong! Yesterday was his turn again and since it was fast and testimony several people got up and said how that affected him. One man in particular who was a visitor was the first one up and he said he usually doesn't give a testimony, let alone make it to church very often, but this "young man" so inspired him that he got up and bore a beautiful testimony. These special souls just don't know how much they touch others. It's wonderful.

  3. What a sweet post and what a blessing. It looks like everyone had a great time as well.

  4. Momza, you are SO blessed.
    what a beautiful post,
    . . . WE'RE blessed to have you
    share with us. thank you, luv.


  5. You've got such a great family.
    Hope you all had fun with your Dean-o.

  6. What a gift Dean is to your family. And to us through your sharing.


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