Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why It's Important to Set ALLLL The Clocks Back for Daylight Savings Time

I woke up with a start
and looked at the clock on my nightstand:
Shoot! I overslept!
I quickly wake up the kids
with a calm but firm:
"Guys we overslept!
You have less than 30 minutes
before the bus gets here!"

The Boofus is immediatly cranky--
he doesn't like to be rushed.
I give him a "change your attitude" look
and we get into high speed gear--
get dressed, hair & teeth,
check over homework, look at the lunch menu,
grab a quick bite for breakfast,
and out the door like a bullet!

Whew! 10 minutes to spare before the bus comes!
We did it!

Twenty minutes pass.
Then a knock at the door.
They're back.
"Mom, we missed the bus."

How did they miss the bus, I wonder.

Oh shoot, I'll have to drive them.
I get dressed
put on my shoes
brush my cockatiel morning hair--
Boofus says
"Mom! It's only 7:52! 7:52! We're too early!"

I go in my room
to look at Mr. W's clock--
Yes, it is 7:52...
MY clock says 8:52...
I look on the computer:

Who put me in charge anyway?
I'm clearly un-qualified.


  1. This is absolutely something that would happen in my house... I'm going right now to check ALL of my clocks!

  2. Better early than late...as a kid during daylight savings time I used to have nightmares I was late or early for everything...early wasn't nearly as scary !

  3. This kind of story sounds strangely familiar to me...


  4. oh YIKES!!! But hey at least it turned out you were early and not late...so thats a good thing!!! Now tell whoever changed the other clocks to change yours too next time!!!!

  5. I need several neon lights flashing in my face or I forget daylight savings no matter which direction we are going...

  6. Haha! we were almost an hour early for church sunday because I thought I had set my clock to the right time the night before but actually set it to the same time (I guess I was tired). We were in the car and on our way before I realized, then we turned around and went back home for a while!

  7. Okay, that was too funny. Sorry about your morning though. As you know we don't have daylight savings in AZ so when my girls have gone to college at BYU they all have similar stories to tell.

    Thanks for the laugh. :-)

  8. Haha. Reminds me of when I was a kid. Great blog, I enjoy the satire. Thank you again for reading mine.

  9. LOL! Would have loved to hear the kids' response to that realization!


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