Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Is Your Tree still up?

I'm sitting in my front livingroom
yesterday afternoon
in my pj's...
and just then,
3 days AFTER Christmas,
I really just sat there
and enjoyed it...
all the lovely green boughs
and ribbons, ornaments,
little white twinkly lights
and the creamy white angel
at the top
and the deep burgundy velvet
tree skirt
with it's puffy white felt doves
circling the bottom.

The Season is nearly over
and it is a bittersweet notion
that this time next week
all of the holiday decorations
will be packed away
and life will be back to same ol
same ol.

I loved Christmas this year.
It was the best one we've had
in a long long time...
I love that my grown children
still want to come to my house
and spend their holidays together!

We laughed until our sides ached!
Hanging out in the kitchen,
baking, mixing, story-telling.
Whispering back and forth
about Christmas surprises--
oh, it was just a slice of
heavenly peace
for me.

I have dear friends
who take the tree down
even on Christmas day...
they are plum.wore.out.
and to take down the tree
signifies the end of the holiday stress
they've been feeling.
I get that.
I think I may have even done that a few times
in my life too.
"Thank goodness it's over, time to get back to real life!"

But this year was different.
It was sweet
with the many homecomings
and celebrating this new little baby in the family
really made it special.

So I'm not anxious to take the trees down
or the garland,
weaving in and out
and up and down the bannisters...
let them stay for a few more days
I say!
The magic of the season is not lost on me
this year.
We were filled with it
indeed smothered in it!
Yes, I was busy as ever--
but today,
I am still in my pj's
resting and reflecting,
with a full heart
not ready to go
"back to normal"
this year.

Once I went into a home
where the Christmas tree
was up in July!
The mother in the home was old
enough to be my mother,
and I stood there looking at the
fully-decorated tree
wondering why it was still up.
Then I looked around the rooms
and saw literally dozens of nativities
displayed everywhere.
Oh, I thought,
this has a deep meaning--
perhaps it is the message to keep
Christmas in your heart all year round?
So when the sweet woman came to greet me
I asked,
"How long has your Christmas tree been up?"
"Seven years.", she smiled.
"Wow, is that to remind you to keep the Christmas Spirit all year 'round?"
"Oh heavens, no!", she laughed. "Nobody wants to take it down!"

So what about YOU?
Is your tree still up?


  1. I have 2 trees and one is down and put away. The other one is stripped of it's adorned beauty and is standing kinda naked in the corner. I feel sorry for it, it must be embarrased to be seen. Could you imagine standing in the corner for all the world to see your nakedness? I think not, it will come down today to save it's dignity(sp?).

  2. I don't take mine down till New Year's Day. I want to get my full enjoyment out of all those white, twinkling lights and piney fragrance.


    PS. Glad your Christmas was warm and wonderful.

  3. Like Connie, I too have a naked tree in the corner. My kids sit and play with the ornaments and move them around and carry them around the house, and my cat paws at the ribbon. I know in coming years I'll be able to leave it up for longer, but this year and last it has come down pretty fast. I feel kind of Scroogey, but also I had the time to take it down, whereas in a week we'll be back to the crazy-paced schedule.

  4. I dread taking my tree and all the decorations throughout the house down. I usually wait until January 2 and then I start...takes a couple of days because I don't want to say goodbye to this happy time of year too fast.

    Love that new family photo...beautiful !

  5. The tree is still up! I love it...can't decide if I should leave it up until after baby (which means it will be up for a while after baby) or if I should take it down over the weekend.
    I had a tree in my bedroom up all year last year...it was lovely!

    Your family pic turned out so great. Everyone looked fantastic...especially Golden Child and his sweet/happy parents!

  6. My tree is still up and it usually stays up until New Year.


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