Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Direct Benefit of Having a Whole Heapin' Buncha Yahoos

Last night was great fun with all of the yahoos kickin’ around the house.

Joseph adores his big brother David Scott; the two of them were huddled at the dinner table

looking at some new computer games on a laptop. David was 17 years old when Joseph was born—that’s right—a rotten teenager! As soon as he’d walk in from school though, I’d hand his grumbly self the baby and he’d go downstairs to his room and play his acoustic guitar while the baby lay on his bed. It was the start of a wonderful brotherly relationship.

We also oohed and ahhed over the Golden Child—who affects us like laughing gas—we have no control or semblance of maturity when it comes to this baby! Funny faces, exotic sounds, more energy was never put into a rocketship as that which we pull out for the sake of a toothless smile and a chubby giggle! As Nana says, “He is heaven.”

The conversation got around to Miss Tardypants…the older yahoos gave her a really hard time for not getting up on time for seminary and school—as David Scott said, “Was that even an option?” Oh yeah, I told them that they could give her as much grief about this as they wanted—

And boy, did they! They razzed her endlessly; gave me many ideas how to “cure” her tardiness—some involving paintballs & raw eggs, while the general consensus was to pour a large pitcher of ice cold water over her head. She tried protesting all of their ideas—even looked to me for pity—mwahaha—but I was bone-dry-empty of compassion. Imagine that!

We had a family devotional—during which Joseph f*rted and nearly cleared the room---noone wanted to kneel next to him during family prayer, which he thought was hilarious! Boys.

Then we packed up the Golden family, said our ‘good-byes-cya-laters’ and they left. Then everyone else peeled off and went to bed, except for David Scott and me cause we had some catching up to do.

I wondered what, if any effect, the razzing from her siblings would have on Daisie aka Miss Tardypants--

Guess what, chicken-butt? She got up this morning and was out the door ON TIME.


  1. Family is the best!
    My oldest son can "reach" my youngest better than anyone. I turn to him all the time for help.

  2. Older siblings are the best advisors, that's for sure. Amazing how much influence they wield.

    But I did like the cold ice water idea, and wish I'd though of it first.



  3. WOW makes me sad to think I missed out only having 2 kids

  4. @lisa: Two kids? Hold on a sec, while I try to recall what that feels like? Ohhhh yeah. I was thinner, had more money, and never lost my car keys. Thanks for the memories!!

  5. That story is a riot.
    I was going to counsel you that peer pressure may be the one thing that would work.
    Can you just yank her out of bed and put her on the bus with a bed-head and unbrushed teeth? Maybe that would work (if you're strong enough to do it. I don't think I could.).

  6. That says a lot about the power of siblings.

  7. Sounds like the big kids came just in time!

  8. I love the picture of your family you just painted. I hope to have something like that someday.

  9. How fun!! I love having the kids all home. That is the best!!

    As for your tardy girl. . . We just had problems with our oldest. The only way we got her to behave is take away her weekend privileges if she slept through seminary. That was pretty effective. I am so glad to hear all that you do to get her up though. I have talked to many parents who just don't care. Those are the ones I get frustrated with.

  10. Belonging to a large family is a wonderful thing!
    And major razz-ma-tazzing is all part of it!!
    I love that she got up and out the door on time - Problem solved!!

    If she happens to sleep in again just get Joseph to go fart in her room - always a winner at our house! Ha Ha

  11. Public humiliation (or sibling humiliation I guess) = the way to go. Got it. You are the parent of teen guru.

  12. Peer pressure, especially sibling peer pressure works well, doesn't it?

    I'll bet she wants to take you out for posting about this. Someday she will laugh.

  13. @Connie: Yessirree, it sure does.
    @Charlotte: Older siblings hate it when younger ones have different rules...I oughta know, I was the oldest of 5.
    @Cherie: A-freaking-men!!
    @We're trying everything. Next year will be different because she is wanting her learner's permit--which will be conditional upon Seminary attendance...mwahahahaha.
    @Stacy: If you call at the right moment, you could have mine! lol
    @Nancy & Lisa: Whatever works, right?!
    @jen: I'll use your suggestion if I need to, k?

  14. I'm the oldest of six and was determined to have the same rules for all my kids NO MATTER WHAT. It was a rude awakening when I found out that wasn't possible (due to personalities, circumstances, and my inability to be a static person myself).

  15. @Charlotte: You are so right. Yet, I love it when the oldest help keep the younger ones in line. makes my life easier!


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