Thursday, June 10, 2010

Balancing our Roles and Passions

First, I'm a Woman.
Then, I'm a Wife.
And intertwined with that~
I'm a Mother.

It is a delicate dance
that I attempt to do
sometimes I step on toes
often I trip over my own
I observe more experienced women
who seem to move
with grace and precision
as if they've been dancing this dance
for a million years...
I take heart that someday
my moves will be as graceful.

As a Woman
I have to take care of
my physical needs
My emotional stability (which is easier on somedays than others!)
Develop my talents
Pursue my passions
Follow God's plan
for me...among other things.

As a Wife
I am a Companion
and Helpmeet~
Find and stick to a Path
for my
Goal of Eternal Marriage
and making the journey
worthwhile and fulfilling...
among other things.

As a Mother
I am caregiver
touchy-feely- hugger-smiler
funny-bone- finder
Mama Bear...
among other things.

I was reading one day
this Article by
a girl named Rebecca--
the daughter of a famous
Alice Walker.

The question was asked of
What was it like being the Daughter of Alice Walker?
She replied.

Perspective is worth Gold.

Listening to Neil A. Maxwell
he said,
"When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed, will it feature the echoes of gunfire or the shaping sound of lullabies? The great armistices made by military men of the peacemaking of women in home and in neighborhoods? Will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in congresses? When the surf of the centuries has made the great pyramids so much sand, the everlasting family will still be standing, because it is a celestial institution, formed outside telestial time."


Rebecca's Mother spoke to the Masses
about finding your SELF
being true to your SELF
and Rebecca's Mother lived no lie.
She found herself and stopped.
She was true to herself.
I wonder if it was worth the cost?

For more of Rebecca's story:

Balance = Peace

How do you balance your interests/ passions and your goals? What's the best advice you've received or given to other women about balance?

*if this looks familiar, it's an oldie but a goodie. 


  1. sometimes I feel as if my dance is like zumba! I loved what you wrote here and I'm going now to read that article by Rebecca.

  2. this was incredibly beautiful. I love you words, and I love the honesty of them from your heart, and the truth that they ring into the air. Thanks for sharing this. It is beautiful, true and encouraging.

  3. Great post! When I was a kid my mom told us she loved us, but she loved my dad even more. I can look back now and see how important that was. She lacked her own personal development, though, never taking any time ever for herself. I try to do better in that arena, without being selfish. Balance is for sure the key.

  4. Thanks for this.

    I just spent an hour trying to get my busy, overactive toddler to go to sleep, and was feeling frustrated and even a little bit angry. After reading that quote by Elder Maxwell, I am grateful I took that time.

  5. I always sort of put the kids' needs at the top of my list and then figured the rest would shake out okay in the end. Happily, it did.

    As they got older, I took more time for myself. That's when I wrote my books, but I worked on them during school and at night, mostly. It worked!

    And, now that they're all adults, the majority of us are (largely) sane.



  6. I don't think I have ever given anyone advice on that topic--well at least a woman--I have told a few men. I do believe finding balance in life and harmony in relationships is the quest of life though. But I probably wrote that before--and am still seeking it. I am not good at all with balance. Just ask my family. :-(

  7. I'm almost a mother and I know my perspective may change...but I feel like you can't truly be a mother or a wife unless you understand yourself as a woman. For me that means doing things I like and finding a way for them to bless my husband and family. For example, I loooove shopping:) So I've cultivated and mastered the art of grocery shopping and I LOVE IT. Something that I have to do to run the household, but still gives me satisfaction...

  8. I love the part where you said she found herself and stopped. That is where so many woman seem to get hung up.


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