Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jalapeno Dog

End of the Year.
Teacher sends home all the artwork.
I'm looking thru it,
and come across this:
Now, I'd seen it before,
as the Boofus did it for a special art project
where we could have it the image put on any number of things:
a mousepad
coffee mug
He wanted it on a pillowcase.
So we got it on a pillowcase.
I commented today on the original in my hands--
"That's a cute dog..what's on his head? a hat?"
A big grin surfaces--
"Uh no. That's steam coming outta his head because he just ate a jalapeno."
Then pointed to the backside of the pooch,
"And that's a big fart. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!"
I love ten year old boys.
Did I tell you we paid to have it put on a pillowcase?
Lesson Today:
Ask More Questions.


  1. Boys. You can't live with them, and you can't breed potty humor out of them.
    And I've tried.

  2. So, is it a sad testament to my own sense of humor that the very first thing I noticed about that dog is that it was farting? I think maybe I have too many boys in my house.

  3. What is it that thrills them so about all things gastric?


  4. Oh my heck!
    I love your kids and I don't even know them!
    First it's "hate mom day" and now this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love your 10 year old and I'm laughing because you paid for that treasure.

    I say save it up and give it to his girlfriend!

  5. Thanks for the chuckle this morning. I'm sure he adores the pillowcase!!

  6. @Charlotte: He does--it's on his bed as I write.
    @Kazzy: I know, right?
    @Tauna: Great idea--to save it for later! As for "Hate Mom Day" I'm still thinking of ways to celebrate it next March. Any ideas?
    @Sue: I have no clue.
    @MommyJ: Clearly my son was sent to the wrong mother.
    @Moody: Ya think?? lol
    @sarah: your rofl made me rofl.
    @jen: I know this about boys. ridiculous wonderful mischievous delight.

  7. I would be tempted to get two pillowcases and save one for his wedding gift :)


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