Monday, June 14, 2010

Time Out for this ladybug's picnic

I woke up today and thought,
"Self, you've said it all. 
Laid it out like a ladybugs' picnic...
Ladled, spooned and sprinkled,
dumped and vented...
typed and typed
until I cain't type no mo'--
is there anything left to say
on this lil blog of mine
that is worth taking up space on the 
big W W W ??

Then my Self answered:
"If there is, I can't think of it.
Why don't you take a break for awhile
and see if the Universe slaps you upside the noggin
with some spark of brilliance
that would be worth anyone else's time"

So I decided to listen to my
because my 
is rarely wrong about these things.

So carry on 
with your comings and goings--
I'll be pokin' around
and sharin' my two cents when I get the urge.

I  want a Time-Out-
time to circle the wagons
as I like to say--
take inventory of la familia
and steal more sunshine this 
fine ladybug season.


  1. I know how you feel. I have been contemplating a break as well.

  2. I'd probably do the same if I had kids at home.

    (But don't stay away too long. I'll miss you!)


  3. I will miss your wit AND wisdom... but a mom's gottado what a mom's gottado! good for you for listening to your inner voice.

  4. Every one needs a time out. Just don't forrget to come back. Enjoy the summer!

  5. Breaks are good. But I just got here... :(

  6. I'm not nervous because you came back last summer, so enjoy your break, but PLEASE do come back.

  7. Good for you, Dawn. I'm doing the same thing with posting on MMB. Just need to time to recharge. But please, do come back!


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