Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome Summer~~ Last Day of School

Welcome Summer 2010!!

~The Yahoos' afterschool~

The Caboose and her bff, Lucy

Daisie and a friend, Becca.

Cuz nuthin' says "SCHOOL'S OUT!!" like 

Cheese, please.


It's finally Spring here in Colorado Springs...thus the bleeding hearts are, um, bleedin?

Let the Summer Ruckus Begin!!


  1. Summer looks a little different in the Springs than it does here in AZ. :-) I might have to take a trip up there!

  2. Your flowers are beautiful! I wish we could get some of that warmness!
    Congrats to the yahoos for getting out of school. It will be fun to see what adventures will appear on the blog!

  3. First, I'm jealous that your kiddos are out of school. We have one more week. I am so done with the routine!

    And second, I have those same pink flowers in my front yard. Don't know what they're called, but I love em!

  4. @Stacy: They're called "bleeding hearts" and I love 'em. I am totally ready to be a summer bum.
    @Tauna: I've been to Hailey, ID...stomped around Sun Valley around was 18o there!
    @Lori: You have blooms in January, while we have snow...I think we're even, eh? lol

  5. I think I could get used to those bleeding hearts. Beautiful!

    Looks like summer at your house is starting off just fine...


  6. the cupcakes looked a bit like the colours in your garden.

    Way to Go!

  7. @Gillian: There you are! I thought I'd lost you long ago!! (hugs)
    @Sue: Aren't they pretty? I look forward to their blooms all year.
    @Kazzy: Me too. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Oh my-love the colors of the cupcakes and the flowers! Good luck with your yahoos this summer...My hubby was in your neighborhood the last couple of days! Or at least in the same state, ha ha.


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