Friday, July 6, 2012

Catch-Up! Pics, Pics N' More Pics

This is long overdue--
and may be somewhat of a yawner
if you're not family,
but I'm finally able to upload some pics
of the yahoos...
From Mother's Day in Golden:

 Dean's running for the GOP nomination too.
 We all went up to hear Dani speak in her sacrament meeting...
her family couldn't be there 
because the babies had been sick,
so Mr Idaho stayed home from church to take care of the boys.
 Dean brought me potted mums.
 This is a typical Sunday scene
at the house...
the kids laying all over each other
looking at videos on Nana's phone...

 Missionaries popped over one day--
Elder Schumacher from Meenasoda...
 The back of Elder Weagle from Bawston, Mass.
as he played some piano for me...

 The first of many takes
for Diana's mission papers...

 As much as she wanted to send in the goofy ones ("that's the real me, Mom!),
we sent in one similar to the top....out of like 35 takes.

 The Caboose was in her school's Spring Musical..."The Jungle Book"
 She was part of  "The Jungle".
 Her buddy, C. These two have known each other since they were in diapers in our ward.
 One of her BFF's, L. who played Baghera the panther.
 Giggle-Box, Katie and Anna aka "Sherkhan".

 And here's some scenes from a little 50th Bday Party for my dear friend, Nannette.
As part of our gift to her,
I asked each friend to write out
what they love 
about our dear friend, Nannette.
We read them outloud and had a good laugh and shed a few tears.
Good friends make the world go 'round.
 Nana visiting with my staging partner, Kelly.

Fifth Grade Graduation
 The Girls' Salon...helping Ari get ready...
Nana on nails,
Daisie on hair.
One of the benefits of having older sisters.

 Both Joseph and Ari had the same 5th grade teacher, Mr. Hinkle. 
As you can tell, 
he was a favorite.
 And there's ol' Cole
 And the BFF, L.

 And my last,
 my very last
 fifth grader.  
 As you can see, she was very moved by the whole experience...

She gets it honest, yes she does.
Then the girls talked me into going to the park
and taking some random pics of them--
these are just a few of the over 100 pics I took.
You're welcome for not posting
all of them.
Also, it was a crazy windy day,
thus the hair was flying in every which way:  

 My thanks to America's Top Models...

And I think that about does it for today.


That's All F-Folks!


  1. Beautiful photos of your girls. Aren't sisters great?


  2. Awwww . . . summertime, love the photos!



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