Friday, July 27, 2012

Let The Games Begin

We're minus two weeks away
from a big deal around here
as Diana becomes
"Sister Johnson"
for the next 18 months.

The lead-up to this has been
crazy busy--
she's cancelled her phone plan,
cancelled her car insurance
because she sold her little beater car,
n' packing up her personal things
and finishing up her last week at work.

We went to the temple,
she and I
the other night.
It was a Do-Over from the night before
because we both forgot our recommends.
Wednesday night
we hurried to beat Denver's rush hour traffic
and Diana quickly tried on a new temple dress,
bought it for the mission,
then we finally got into to the temple.
The weight of the cares of the world
were thankfully restrained
at the temple doors
and I was grateful to have left them there.

I have enjoyed being her audience
through her evolution
from being a self-absorbed young adult
to her surrendering bits and pieces of her self
to the Lord.
It has been exhilarating and humbling
for all of us.

It reminds me of the athletes and their families
and coaches
who are preparing for the world's Olympic Games--
they have been preparing for most of their lives
for the days and weeks ahead.
Time and Sacrifice are essential for a few moments
of performance--
with just milliseconds making the difference
Gold, Silver and Bronze
and then the legacy is set in stone
as they take their place on the winner's stand,
and their mothers and fathers and coaches
all breathe a collective sigh of relief
feeling their efforts have been rewarded.

I am equal parts
anxious and nauseas
as I contemplate sending my daughter
into the world
with a black name tag.
I pray she will be loved.
She will be cared for.
She will be safe and healthy.
I pray our efforts bless her life
and those that she is going to serve.
That in 18 months' time,
her legacy will be one of
a devoted loving servant
as she directs others hearts and eyes to
That's when we'll breathe our collective sigh of relief
and feel our efforts rewarded.

Oh, this is gonna be good!


  1. Maybe its because I am a mission mom to 150 missionaries, or maybe it is because my daughter will be leaving on a mission soon as well, but this just made it bawl!! Believe me though, you will not be the only one praying for her health and safety. There is never a day that my husband and I don't pray fervently for the welfare of our missionaries.

    Best wishes to Diana!! (And to you all!) What a wonderful and exciting time!

  2. Momza, you are seriously an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your love, conviction, and uplifting words.
    You're the greatest!

  3. What a mom you are! I love hearing from you and how your yahoos are! YOU GO MOMZA!

  4. So wonderfully written. I am sure the prayers, sacrifice and worry have been a trial in and of itself but how glorius this adventure will be for your daughter and your family. Well done MOMZA!


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