Sunday, January 20, 2013

Growing a New Talent for 2013

Trying  new things makes me happy.

Just the attitude of approaching something I've never done
with an open mind and a willingness to try it
has served me well most of my live long days.

It is in this spirit that I decided to give "painting" a try.
I've never taken painting classes--
unless you count a tole painting class I took in 1986--
and I haveta say, boy can I paint white ducks!
I can, I can.

I love art.
I have often said my ideal vacation would be to spend at least two whole weeks
locked inside the British Museum by myself or with someone equally enthralled
with art in all it's myriad forms,
and do nothing but look at the beautiful works and breathe it all in.

Watercolors especially intrigue me.
I don't know why...haven't set about to ask myself why...
but the way water and color mix and looks so effortless
is soothing to me.

I tested the waters this month
and bought a few little brushes and paints
and small canvasses to give my interest 
a chance to express...
I painted something I love.
In the Fall.
No photos to look at, 
just let my hands follow the patterns I know
so well in the natural beauty of aspens
and this is what came out:

I know it's not brilliant.
But it's a start.

I want to continue to make the most of this New Year
by learning new things...
what are YOU thinking of trying in 2013?


  1. Wow, that's really impressive!!

  2. Water colors are hard, this looks really cool!! Great job, I love the aspen tree.

    As for the British museum... I'm obsessed with British History. I'll go to London with you if I can study history and you can study art.

  3. Actually it's a brilliant start!

    Well done. And keep it up.


  4. Beautiful! I really mean that. I have no artistic talent when it comes to painting or drawing and admire those who do. I think it is great that you are exploring and expanding one of your talents, especially one that you obviously love so much.

    I am going to try to pick up my quilting this year. It has been at least a decade. Fingers crossed!


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