Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dara's Big Adventure Begins!

 Boy Scout Beach....

 Outside her apartment door

 View from the Tramway

Doesn't it look like a postcard?

 Mendenhall Glacier

Dara's been super busy since arriving Saturday--she's learning how to use public transportation to get her everywhere she wants/needs to go--to church, grocery shopping, into town so she can use an Internet cafe, and to work.  She's met several college kids, just like her, at church and been to a few activities with them already--Family Home Evening (FHE) and Institute.  She also fed the sister missionaries breakfast on Tuesday morning--she called me at 7:30am her time asking for the recipe for crepes.  I do believe that's the first time all summer she was up at 7:30am--and to COOK no less!

She is a happy Adventurer--hasn't complained a bit--and begins her new job today!
I'm really proud of her and the choices she is making for her own life. I love that she is willing to own her life and work for what she wants.  She is on her way to gaining independence as an adult and I know will glean the benefits that come from those efforts, for the rest of her life.

I have to laugh, because in retrospect, this yahoo has given me a run for my money through her teenage years--and how many times I had to remind us both that we'd both survive and come out on the other end intact,  doggone it!  We lived through bad things: grades, friends, fashion choices, and bad music; oversleeping, borrowing-without-asking, late curfews, yelling, silence, rolled eyeballs, shrugged shoulders, talk-to-the-hands, and threats galore.
I feel like I need a t-shirt: "Survivor of 5 Teenagers And Still Going"-- there's gotta be a medal or maybe a parade held in my honor where I get to sit in a lazy boy recliner with a be-dazzled crown on my weary noggin and wave to all the other moms in the crowd, right?  I could toss chocolate along the way and say things like, "Don't Give UP! There are better days ahead! You'll survive those teen years, I promise, promise!"

I should Google it to see if there's already a parade for such a thing--maybe I could start a movement?

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Proud of your girl and you to mom! We have a senior missionary couple from our home ward serving in Alaska. The Ferrins. That would be fun if they bump into each other.


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