Monday, September 30, 2013

LOST, lost Me

This isn't a typical post from my noggin, but I'm puttin' it out there just because I can't believe I'm the only person who feels this way.
OK, so we've had DirecTV for years, eons even. I don't remember NOT having it, so we've had it for awhile.
Well, due to the brilliant folks who run that backstoop shop, our account was caught up in a glitch wherein our daily feed of ESPN, Home Shopping Network, re-runs of Walker, Texas Ranger, and the juvenile delinquent channel AKA "The Disney Channel" was, in a word, OFF.

I didn't even notice it for a few days because TV is not a big thing around here in the summer.  We're too busy with Camps and working and hiking trails to even notice the TV isn't working. The 12 year old was the first to notice, "Hey! the TV's not working. Did you forget to pay the bill, Mom?"
I thought for a moment, made a phone call and the voice on the other end gave a corporate-heartfelt-apology and said the service would be returned in "two to twenty-four hours".
About three days later, it was noticed again that nothing had changed.  By that time, I pretty much decided that we shouldn't be paying for something we don't need or miss.  So I didn't make another phone call. I let it be.

Somewhere in the beginning of September, actually right school started, we got our first Back To School colds.  Suddenly, finding time to waste was not a problem.  DirecTV still wasn't ON, so Joseph cued up Netflix thru the Wi...he stumbled upon a TV show called "LOST".  We'd never watched it--well, that's not true--I'd tried to watch it once in the second season because of the popularity, but I had no idea what the plot was and couldn't catch up on it in one episode, so I never looked back.
But Joseph watched it from the sofa, back-to-back episodes for hours.  He kept inviting me to watch it with him, but I had no desire to watch a show that was already cancelled.  Until the weekend--we're still sick, so there we sat, hopped up on cold medicine, oj, chicken noodle soup, blankets and Kleenex tissues--and we were a captive audience for LOST.

Now, we joined in on Season 4...and over the next two weeks, we gathered each evening in the family room and continued our marathon with Jack, John, Sawyer, Hugo, Miles, the Japanese couple, Sayid, Kate, Juliet and sucky Ben, Jacob and Richard and Ana.  We were on the hook--there was no lookin' back.  I haveta say that while I liked the characters ALOT, the story line where they're going back and forth because of an out-of-sync gear on the Island-was NUTZ.  I felt alot like I feel when I get motion sickness...back and forth between storylines from three-to-thirty years. Ridiculous! And yet, I couldn't NOT watch it--had to see it to the end.
Our family laughed at the seemingly endless jerks of attention and jolts of confusion mixed into the storylines...but we're no quitters so we endured it all to get to the end.
Issues...oh there are so many that I have with...o nevermind, I'll get to those at the end.

So, we finally got to the final season! YEAH!!  I'm ready to drop this bad habit!  I've been held hostage on this dang island too many nights--let's GO already!
(spoiler alert coming, just a fyi)
The finale was um. Uh. Wait. What? Replay that! Go back! What? Hunh?
Like a bad joke, the characters are finally let in on the punchline--
they're all dead.
They all died in the plane crash.
All of it was in. their. minds.
No island, no others, no Dharma Iniative, no Black Smoke, no polar bears, no time-travelling,
no fighting, no bombs, no body, no nothing.

They all end up in a church aka heaven. 
Except Ben.  Whom I cannot even explain why his character was created except to cause more drama...naturally, afterall it is 'hollywood'--but still, I have issues with this series, that,
aside from professional counselling may haunt me for years, except for the fact that I have short-term memory loss and in this case, I am seriously hoping I forget this least enough to know that I don't ever wanna watch it again.

Which brings me to something else: My Mr. Wonderful has been watching the series from the first Season to see if any of it makes sense.  I cannot bring myself to watch it knowing what I know--they're all DED. D.E.D. dead.   Seriously, what is the point of dead people pretending to have living experiences?

Questions I have about LOST:
TO the writers: did you write the beginning with the end in mind or did ya just wing it?  And, did ya end with the same writers that you started with?  What were you smoking?
Regarding these Characters:
Mr. Eko? Why?
Richard? his past life he was a tormented widow, then a passive follower of an immortal-non-immortal keeper of the gate, Jacob who killed Juliet's crappy husband, by having him run over by a bus--what kinda man is that?
Ben. Tortured child. Misunderstood Youth. Devious, pathetic man that noone could trust but everyone defended? He was at times portrayed like an All-Knowing God.  Ack! I can think of many scenarios in which I woulda let the fool die. I could write a paragraph on my dislike of this character and the way he interacted with other characters and the storyline.
John Locke.  Reincarnated. Born again. Bossy pants. WHY?
Mr. Widmore?  Why was he important? How much would the story have changed if he'd never been created?  I didn't miss him when he wasn't there and wasn't impressed when he was.
Why did Claire's baby, Aaron, have to disappear and reappear?  For that matter, Claire was a hot mess too.
And the crazy french woman, Rousseau.  She added as much as she distracted.  Is the actress who portrayed her (and she did well) related to a producer?  Was she on the plane and I just missed it?
The whole Hawking family.  HUNH? What did I miss?

My favorite character in LOST: Rose Nadler.  Favorite Scene: When all heck is breaking loose and the gang is beckoning them to abandon their campsite and Rose tells them she isn't getting involved in the drama.  Smart woman. She knew she was already dead and ain't nobody got time for that.

So in conclusion of my LOST rant post, I have to confess that I have been banned from watching the show with the family as they watch it from the very beginning, because of my lack of appreciation for the story line, and mainly because I wave my hands around saying, "They're all dead. None of it matters!"

p.s. there's a whole Wiki page dedicated to LOST criticisms! Ha!


  1. That is one show I didn't get sucked into, now I am glad I didn't. So they were all dead? So Hollywood.

  2. hahaha

    This post is so you in your reaction to the ending. You are nothing if not pragmatic, right?



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