Tuesday, October 15, 2013

God Doesn't Forget

God has a perfect memory.
He doesn't forget about His children like I forget about mine.
He won't forget me at the Bus Stop.
He won't forget my shoe size or my favorite color.
He remembers the last time I ate.
The last time I cried.
And what I cried about.

He won't forget that I asked for a blessing on my children
that are hundreds of miles away from my reached out hands and heart.
He isn't limited by time zones and distance.

He doesn't lose track of time like I do.
He isn't distracted by others things or people.
He has His eye on those in the eye of the storm that is churning in the deepest seas,
as well as His hands on the shoulders of those in the hospital
down the street from me.
He hears the prayers of that soldier in the submarines far beneath
the ocean's surface
and the prayers of those in jets and F-16s zipping across the world
faster than the speed of light.
He can keep up!

God knows me.
He knows my name and my birthday.
The things that give me joy and safety
and the things that bring me pain and sorrow.

I must be careful not to attribute my human limits onto His
omniscient, omnipresent Godly abilities.
He is limitless.
And I belong to Him.


  1. Well written, Dawn. Thanks for sharing this today.

  2. Such a beautiful reminder.
    In my impatiences I too quickly forget all that. I pray for the same thing over and over and realize, He has heard it before. He knows.
    Be patient.

  3. Such a beautiful thought - and true! It's so comforting to know we are in the hands of a loving Father and guided by his hands daily.



  4. Wonderful insight Dawn. Sometimes I forget how perfect God's love is for his children, thanks for the reminder.


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