Monday, December 23, 2013

Our Missionary is Home

Our missionary is home as of Wednesday, December 18th~!
We have missed her so much--
I've sat on the end of her bed countless hours since then,
She has learned so much,
been loved by so many,
given all that she had to give + some
as her mission president said,
"She left it all on the field."

She came home a brilliant light-filled young woman--
and we are so grateful for her willingness to go and serve a mission for her Savior, Jesus Christ. 
 {sweetest moment~}
So good to get my arms around my girl!

As hard as it was to let her go,
to know of her trials and challenges while away from us--
it was worth every moment.
I can't think of anything else in the world,
any other experience,
that could've done what a mission has done
for my girl
and my family.
What a great Christmas present to have her home!


  1. I'm tearing up just looking at the picture of you hugging your girl. May this be a most memorable Christmas for your family.

    Merry Christmas. Enjoy every second.

  2. Such a JOYFUL time for you. Your girl looks fabulous and has such a glow about her. The sign should say "well done thou good and faithful MOM".

  3. So happy for you and your family. She looks so happy!


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