Friday, May 15, 2015

Chances Are Like Opportunities

When I was a kid, 
I thought fifty years old
was old.
Like, next-to-death Old.

One's life is more than half-over by 50.
That's true.
But, like the middle of a good book
this is where the plot thickens
and there are surprises 
to keep you on your toes.

As it turns out,
there's a whole lot of exciting things
to be learned 
the closer you get to the end of your life
than previously thought!
Fifty-plus years and I am still an anxious learner.

Last Sunday was Mother's Day.
In my attempt to get insight into my impact upon
my own yahoos' lives,
I texted six of them (minus Dean)
and asked them a simple question:

"For my journal entry today, I ask asking each of you to answer one question: 
please tell me one thing you have learned form me. Just the first thing that comes to mind."

The answers that came back:

Diana: "To be brave under difficult circumstances."

David Scott: "I'll be honest, the first thing I thought of was spinach lasagna. More to the point I learned to love learning."

Arianna: "I learned to Grow The Hell Up cause you can't be shy all the time because then you won't live life to the fullest. Amen brother sister friend."

(Lots of laughter from her reference to our after thought of what our family motto should've been for 2014, according to Diana.)

Joseph: "I have learned that she doesn't want me to grow up."

Danielle: "How to TP! And be adventurous! And love someone based on their insides, not their outsides!"


You know, being a Mother to Many,
I have accepted the fact that I never know what my yahoos
might say in all situations--
but I know it's important to ASK these open-ended questions--
important for all of us.

I have to say that I love their responses.
Yes! I want them to be Seekers of Opportunities!
                                                          To be ON the Dance Floor
so they can dance!
To be willing, worthy and prepared
for chances to shine their best!

We are all building foundations in our lives
for the Life we want--
and I am amazed, even at age 5-0 +
the opportunities that continue to come to me
for the taking!
I am grateful for the chances to express my talents and interests--
they come to me more and more each day--
big things are on the horizon--
chances taken earlier have prepared the way
for these opportunities to develop.
Just as the scriptures say,
We reap what we sow.
But seriously,
you haveta be out there sowing something
for it to grow.
And that's alot of work.

I have heard it said that it takes just as much energy
to make a happy life as a unhappy life.
I don't know if that's true,
but I can say that it's really sweet when 
you see your dreams coming true.

Especially on this side of fifty.

Carry on People.


  1. What a great post. I loved reading it today. (And you are a good Momza.)


  2. I love this. It is very beautiful. I did chuckle a little at the comment that the plot thickens in the middle (or after 50) It made me think that the plot isn't the onlything that thickens.:-) But what you wrote is so true. I think there is this wonderful adventurous time between 40 and 70 (maybe even older but that seems really old to me right now). Oh, but about asking your kids what they learned from you . . . I think I am a little nervous to ask my kids what they have learned from me. They might say things like, "How not to stress out" (learned from my bad example:-) Thanks also for your comment on my blog. I don't know if I will blog very much--that post took me four months to write--but I do look forward to having more time to read inspiring posts from others!

  3. I have been keeping you and your family in my prayers since it has been so long since you have updated your blog.


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