Second, My Family, without whom I would have nothing to write about. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
And Last But certainly not least, Roxanne from Happiness Is A Choice for this award.http://rbseely.blogspot.com/
Now onto business...
10 Honest Things:
1- I've travelled a little, like to UK a few times, but I'd love to go to Italy someday.
2- I would even go alone.
3- Hawaii is also on my list of places to go.
4- All I really wanna do in Hawaii is sleep on the beach.
5- I don't like contention
6- But I'll mow you down for my kids.
7- Our TV is rarely on cuz my dad used to tell us to "Shut Up!" when we walked into the house, so he could hear whatever he was watching, and my Ex used to hog the remote. I don't like the TV for those and 2,000 other reasons.
8- But I do watch BYU-TV occassionally.
9- I love pedicures.
10- I say alot less than what's in my head.
Okay there it is.
Now, I amsupposed to Award this Honest Scrap to 7 others whom I find honest.
So here goes, in no particular order:
1-To Lori, who always shares her journey to joy with us.
2-To Sara, who cared for a pregnant Mama in ways I could not and I will never be so happy to see someone as I was, the day she walked into the ICU.
3-To Marilyn, who shows by example how to live with class and humility and fun.
4-To Amy, who is so fun I wish I lived next door to her just to have a chairside veiw of the fun.
5-To Rachel, a young mom who surprises me with her sincere candor and appreciation of little things, namely children.
6-To Sue, whose poetry about the beautiful things in Life reminds me to slow down and be still.
7- To Dena, who literally shares her soul with anyone interested and I'm one of those who benefits from her generosity.
ToYou Seven..Go and Do Likewise....
And if your name isn't on here...it's because I could only list 7 dang it. But know this, if I didn't think much of you, I wouldn't follow you on your journey...so to all those who follow me and let me follow too, I extend my gratitude and nominate you all for your Honest Scrap!
Oh boy, this sounds fun! Are we supposed to follow suit on our own blogs now? If so, let me know and I will!
ReplyDeleteThanks for being such a great blogger and follower!
The tv thing---wow. Good for you for not letting it get in the way of your family. I liked your honest scrap.
ReplyDeleteI'm a non-TV person, too. We haven't had cable in two years or more, and I don't miss it one bit. And oh-pedicures! LOVE them!
ReplyDeleteOkay 10 Honest Things...
ReplyDeleteI could watch reruns of the Andy Griffith Show all day..
I love my family.... (even when they frustrate me)
I love massages, pedicures, manicures, facials, pampering of any kind...
I love clean laundry
I love puppies...
I love friends....
I love Dawn.....
Thanks! That is sweet of you.
ReplyDeleteAnd you deserve it, by the way.
AWW Congrats to you for winning this much deserved award and for picking ME as one of the 7 to pass it on to...I feel so lucky!!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay I will do it! And I just realized how far behind I have become these past few weeks in reading blogs! I have been having a great time this morning though, catching up on yours.