Friday, March 4, 2011

5 Spiritual Solutions for Everyday Parenting Challenges--Book Review & Giveaway

"We didn't create our children;
they come as who they are
from a Father who entrusts us
with stewardship for them."  
~ R. & L. Eyre

New York Times #1 Bestselling Authors
Richard and Linda Eyre
have a new book out:
I was invited to read and review this book,
and just received it two days ago.

I've never met the Eyre's in person,
but I've known them for all of my parenting years--
that's 27 years and counting,
as their books have always been a part of my quest
to be a better, happier parent.

So when I was contacted about their latest offerings,
I was very humbled at the opportunity.

I'm not finished with this book yet--
it's hard to read through tear-filled eyes,
did you know that?
Each page is so entirely complete in it's presentation,
that you don't just skim through them,
you inhale them...
slowly and deeply...
soaking the truths into your very core.

It's not just about Parenting your children,
it's about who we are as Eternal families,
and how knowing that truth
and understanding it more fully,
helps us embrace our roles with Clarity,
Purpose and Love.

I didn't even get through the prologue
without tears, seriously.

I sat in my room,
and read the book outloud
because I wanted to hear the words
ring in my own ears.

I brought my almost 16 year old up,
and read some pages to her,
and again
to my 20 year old
and again to my husband, Mr. Wonderful.

The power that is in the Eyre's message
is palpable.
You will find yourself nodding in agreement while you read;
you'll get goosebumps on your arms,
tingling at the crown of your head,
lumps in your throat,
and Joy,
absolute JOY
in your whole body while you read
and swallow up their beautiful, sacred message.

My copy isn't going to be pretty--
it's getting dog-eared,
and shared!
That's when you know it's a GREAT book, right?

Deseret Book has graciously offered a lovely copy of
5 Spiritual Solutions for Everyday Parenting Challenges
by Richard and Linda Eyre
to one of YOU.

So here's the deal to enter the Giveaway:

Leave a Comment relative to this Giveaway.

That's it.
You can tell everyone you know about it too, if you want.
I want every parent in the Universe to own this book!!
You may get your own copy at Deseret Book, too.
You need this book.
Your kids need this book.
Your friends and neighbors and everyone whose ever been a child
needs it.

Now, if you'll excuse I've got to get back to it!

* I was not paid for this review, only given a copy of it for my review and one to share. For which, I am entirely grateful.  Thank you!


  1. They are wonderful writers.

    They were my husband's mission president 30+ years ago. He was a MP at age 32! Amazing.

    I've enjoyed their books through the years.
    I'll definitely have to get this one.

  2. I enjoy their books, too. They do a great job.


  3. I just saw this advertised the other day and wondered about picking up a copy, you have just tipped the scale. I will be picking one up today. Sounds like a great book to be given as a gift. I am going to a baby shower tomorrow and I think this will be wrapped with a pink ribbon for the momma.
    Thanks for help

  4. I may not have anyone at home, but with 6 children in their 20's... I still need help!!! wow, it sounds life altering.

  5. I read Linda Eyre's book "I Didn't Plan to be a Witch" years ago at a time when I felt like an awful mom. It certainly helped me with my perspective and mother happiness. This book sounds like another perfect salve.

  6. I've been so excited to read their new book!

  7. I love all their books I have read. I could really use some spiritual guidance in my parenting. So hard to remember to ask for help when I'm caught up in the emotion of the day to day nitty gritty of parenting.

  8. Oh, I would love one. I read one of their daughter's blogs regularly and I've read their books for years. Some of Linda's stories I've never forgotten.

  9. hat certainly was a strong recommendation!! And since I trust your judgment I definitely want to read this book.

  10. I just found you on MMB, and I'm so glad I did! I'm always looking for good books, and if it's a spiritual book that will enrich my life, even better!!!

  11. Thanks for the recommendation...I never imagined parenting would be such a spiritual drain...looking forward to reading this.

    Following from MMB

  12. I haven't read any of their books but have been following the columns in MT, so I'm intrigued. Thanks.
    following from Segullah

  13. I can't wait to read this and I'm also really excited that I will hear them speak a week from now!

  14. I LOVE everything I've read from them. Right now I'm reading Teaching your children values and I didn't plan to be a witch from them. There's one I've been referring to as I've been preparing for giving "the talk" to my 9 year old and later this year to my daughter who will be 8. But for searching purposes, I won't put the title here. ;)

  15. P.S. I'm adding this book to my wishlist.

  16. Oh wow, I want that book like peanut butter needs jelly -- and a glass of milk. I'm coming familiar with the Eyres as I try to raise my little kids. Thank you for your review and bringing it to my attention. I'd love to know if I get selected to help me through my frazzled daily routines with 3 kids under 4 and under. Sometimes I have moments that hint that I'm doing something right, but mostly I feel like I'm doing NOTHING right. But, this book seems to hit it on the head: It doesn't matter what you are doing if it lacks the spiritual perspective. i'm reachable at bloggingwithkerri {at}

  17. I can't wait to read this now! If I'm not lucky enough to win it I'll buy it for sure. Have you read 71 Toes blog? It's the Eyre's daughter Shawni's blog. She's incredible too.

  18. I am in desperate need of this book! It sounds positively uplifting. If I don't win, I will buy it!

  19. What a GREAT and POETIC review!
    We thank you and thank your great readers.....
    And you can bet we will be looking in on you often.
    Of all the parenting books we have written, this one is the closest to our hearts because it is not about quick fixes or "methods." It is about principles and about the Spirit.
    Best to all, Linda and Richard Eyre

  20. Amen. amen. amen! to all of this -adn every comment! And to think you got richard over here, too! Wow! Can I review that book, too!!!! :D I'm excited to find out about this book... THANK YOU! :D

  21. I have been wanting to get that book, and your post review/post made me want to get it even more. Thanks for your words!

  22. I'm not sure if I've ever read one of their books before, but this is definitely on my must-read list now! I just wish I had time to read anything but textbooks right now. I sure need it.

  23. I want to win! I don't know if I am too late. But figured I would leave a comment just in case. :)


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