Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Mother's Treasure is her Daughter 2.0

 Did I ever tell you I am the oldest of five children?
And the ONLY girl?
Did I ever tell you how I craved a sister like nobody's business?
I wanted a sister so bad,
that when my mom delivered number five at the hospital,
and my dad came home from the hospital, announcing:
"It's another boy!"--
that I ran back to my bed and sobbed my 9 year-old eyeballs out!
 Then God sent me these girls.
These sisters.
These sweet n' saucy daughters.
When my first daughter was born,
I cried with sheer delight!
And the final tally is 
FOUR daughters...
Danielle, Diana, Dara and Arianna.
And we are tight, yo.
 They crack me up,
especially when they put on their 
big cranky-pants-pouty-faces.
 N' when they pose for glamour shots...
 Which turn out to be so stinkin' ridiculous.
 When they love one another
and lean into one another
for compassion, understanding, validation and correction--
I know we're doing really good at 
practicing what it means to be a 
See those dark circles and bags under my eyes?
Totally worth what they cost:
long chats on the bed
talking about all the really juicy things in life.

A daughter is a beautiful reflection of God's grace.

Do you have sisters and/or daughters?
What have you learned from them?


  1. I had two brothers growing up and used to pray for a sister, but no luck. Now I've also been blessed--two daughters, who fight all the time! You girls are just beautiful. I'm hoping when mine get a little older they'll learn to lean on one another too. :)

  2. I saw this the other day and loved it, but it was impossible to leave a comment ... I tried on another post, but I don't think it went through either. Apparently the embedded form is the problem, and there's no trouble with the pop-up one (but I'm finding trouble with *all* blogger comments at the moment.)

    In any case, I still love this post. Your girls are very beautiful. And Diana and Dara look like twins, don't they?

    (You know I'm dying to ask why Arianna didn't get a D-name, but am too polite to do so.) ;-)

  3. @sarah: Arianna's name was chosen by Mr.W.--when I was pg with her. I let him choose and I think he did well!

  4. Love this!! Being the mother of four daughters myself, I know what you mean. I love my daughters. We have the most fun together.

    And my son knows how you felt growing up. When we found out our last was another girl and therefore he would not get any brothers he cried and cried and then made all of his sisters promise they would play boy things with him.

  5. I think Arianna is a really beautiful name :-)

    Just to let you know, it took me almost half an hour to post this comment - reloading over and over again. I don't know whether it's a problem with my internet service or Blogger itself. I wonder if other people have the same difficulty.

    Your weblog is certainly worth the effort :-)

  6. I'm glad the comments are working again!

    I have one daughter only, and boy, am I grateful for her. I also have three wonderful sisters.

    I am lucky. And what I have learned from them is unconditional love. They are definitely my "safe place" in the world.


  7. Awwww. No daughters, and only one sister who is 12 years my junior. So, I have found that my girlfriends substitute for my need for female companionship. Love your photos.

  8. I am the oldest of 5 and the only girl. I remember praying so hard that when my mom was pregnant for the last time (with twins) that one would be a girl. I was very disappointed.

    I am a mother now and have 2 boys and 2 girls. I love them all but am especially enjoying the special mother daughter relationship.


  9. I still am not able to comment using my google account on certain blogs. I will try this comment using anonymous.

    Loved this post. You are so blessed with those beautiful girls as your daughters, just as they are blessed to have you as their mother.

    I have one sister that is two years older than me but we have NEVER been close. I would love to have her as a dear friend and confidant. Maybe someday, but not right now.
    I was blessed with two daughters that I adore and love so much. They have grown into wonderful women and I cherish my relationship with them both.

    Can I just say that I would love to have your ability to make words flow on paper with such eloquence (sp?). You may admire my crafting talent but it pales in comparison to your writing.


  10. I only know girls! I had a sister, and I have two girls. GIRLS RULE


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