Friday, August 1, 2008

We are not Home-less, home-less...

Thanks to my beautiful and talented and wonderful half-sister (lol!) Nannette...we found a home in her ward! Email me for the address!
We emptied the moving truck last night with the help of Nannette (supervisor and self-inflicted workhorse), our new missionaries Elders' Leavitt and Longenecker, Matt, Eric, and the rest of the familia. It went pretty fast actually. Kent is leaving tonight to go back to Idaho and pick up the rest of our stuff, turn around and come back to CO. with Dani.
We weren't ever really homeless, because my friend, my sister, Nannette would never allow it--but I am much calmer after last night.
This experience has been trying for me. It was never a matter of my faith--I know Heavenly Father loves me and knows me and indeed TRIES me--it is not knowing how far I will be allowed to be tried that concerns me. I know He knows what my strengths and my weaknesses are better than I...and man, sometimes that just freaks me out!
Nannette has rallied old friends around me these past couple of days. Wonderful sisters whom I love and admire who share their trials and their faith and by so doing, have lifted me up too.
I think I might be pretty wimpy to tell you the truth. After hearing what trials I do NOT have, there is comfort in the ones I DO. Does that make any sense??
Sister Malley, from Louisiana said she wishes that when inconsiderate people offend her or her family she could "just slap them! I know that would make me feel better! That's how we do it down South!" lol
Anywho, we are partially moved in--Diana stayed the night in the new house last night with Taylor--my other daughter, and I have to get over there to unpack that house and start making it a Home.

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