I went up to Denver to take David Scott & Tisha to the Airport and then took the rest of Dani's belongings to her. I hadn't expected to see her so soon after this weekend, but she needed her stuff. In fact, I thought she would be revelling in some alone time, as Mr. Idaho was at school. I was surprised when I showed up with her stuff and she said she was actually glad to see me; she said she hated being alone...and noted that,in fact, she's never been alone. Not in a huge family, not in Europe when she was a Nanny, and not on her mission...there's always been someone else around. I had always thought she was my child who would relish some peace and quiet.
So we took off shopping. And she was happy. And it was easy. We're not in the same roles anymore. She's making a new life for herself and her identity is changing rapidly...from a daughter to a wife and homemaker. That's alot of change. For both of us. I am not one who wants their kids to live at home forever--quite the contrary-- I have encouraged all of my kids to DREAM BIG, to travel, explore, in short-- to run away from home--but write and call to tell me all about it!
Anywho, we went grocery shopping! Shopping for TWO is so much different (and cheaper!) than shopping for 7...or 9 when they were all home. Or 12, as has been the case over the holidays.
I so enjoyed this experience with her...giving her ideas on what to cook this first full week of married life and then stepping back and letting her decide what SHE wants to make for her husband. Am I making too much of this? I don't know. I'm easily entertained, I know.
And sentimental too.
So when we're loading groceries in the car--Mr. Idaho's on the phone with his Mom-- so I hug this girl of mine once more and said "Enjoy this very sweet time in your life. Just you and him. Before you know it, there will be a mortgage, and babies, and you'll wonder where the time went, and this will all be a vague memory of when it was just the two of you. So enjoy this time. Be good to each other. Take care of him, make a wonderful dinner tonight, we love you both!"
Then I got in my car, turned on my GPS, got on the highway, and cried on the way home.
You have taught her well. Your apron still has many strings with the other girls. You'll get over it....in a few years. I am talking with NO experience!