It was a beautiful wedding of a cuter-than-is-legal-in-some-countries couple. And it was over before we knew it!
We left Wednesday, December 17th, for Salt Lake City Utah. It was a long 10 hour drive, but we got there without a hitch and spent the evening with Mr. Idaho's family on Temple Square, looking at lights and each other...it's hard to keep up with 15 other individuals all the time. My favorite time came when we all sat around in the Hotel lobby, watching the little kids play with the Wii that Big Josh brought with him. He asked the conceirge if we could use one of the lobby rooms' TV's and with their approval, we all relaxed and had a good visit and a lot of laughs.
The next day, was THE DAY!!! YEA!!!! We got up early, got dressed...oh wait, I just wanna put in here a small detail...the Caboose had too many goodies the previous night and barfed her guts out until 2am. We had to strip the hotel bed, put her in the shower, and I slept at the foot of the bed, ready to carry her back to the bathroom just in case.
Okay, so that's more realistic. I didn't want you to think it was all Fun N Games!
So, we got to the Temple in plenty of time. I went with Dani to the beautiful Brides' Room...think lovely mirrors, dressing gowns, chandeliers and flowers with other brides and mothers tending to them all around. It was a sweet experience. Dani had been a little anxious before, but once she got in there and dressed, a calm came over her and all was well.
Then she went one way, to meet up with Mr. Idaho for a few minutes, and I went to a waiting room to greet other guests. We waited and waited for David Scott and Tenesha to arrive, but unbeknownst to us, he had misplaced his recommend ( a must to gain entry to the temple--he later found it in his sister-in-laws' dryer), and so he was with a temple worker making important phone calls to get approval to enter. They arrived about 3 minutes before the ceremony. So like David Scott. Only then could I relax. We were all there. Me, Mr. Wonderful, David Scott, Tenesha, Dani and Brad and his family...oh and the other 45 guests. We were set to go!
It was a beautiful ceremony and once I have more pics to share, I'll elaborate more! That's it for now!

From Left to Right: Deano, Dani, Mr. Idaho, Diana, Taylor, the Caboose, David Scott, Tenesha, Daisie, and the Boofus. At Garden of the Gods, Christmas day where it was a lovely but gusty 50o. It was great to get out, get some fresh air and sunshine.

Related by marriage...Daisie and Jen, Mr. Idaho's ever-inquisitive baby sister. She sorely misses her big brother, and if she could, I think she'd move in with he and Dani.

There's one more reception tomorrow night. Then there will be no more WEDDING CHANNEL. What ever will I do???
Oh what a beautiful day you all had! I love the SL temple...especially the bride's room! Can't wait to see more pics!