Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bloggerville, Lend me Your Ear!, er, Book!

Okay, so I am in need of your help--any of you out there in bloggerville--puhleeeze.

I have reached the time in my life where I have, dare I even say it?--free time! That's right! I have time to do whatever I want and it is utterly amazing. Oh, and please please PUH LEEZE don't tell me to do Geneaology. That's work. I may change my mind at some point in time, but for right now that's just. more. work.
So I've been thinking I need to broaden my horizons. I'd been reading Nicholas Sparks books, and they were charming up until this last book where, by the end of the book, I could've cared less if the two main characters had pulled guns and shot each other. So, here it is. I'm puttin' it out there...give me a really good suggestion for a really good read.
Don't leave me hanging. If I don't get my hands on a great book soon, I may have to resort to coupon clipping or geneaology. Don't make me do it.
Put your suggestions in the comment below!!!!


  1. Well, we could go to the Temple, serve at a homeless shelter, volunteer at the schools. Or just go to lunch. You know what I pick!! NJ

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Nan...I love going to lunch with you at Chickaway..is there a book about it??

  4. Water for Elephants. Read it a few years ago and I'm still talking about it.

  5. If you like Nicholas Sparks you will probably like Roxanne Henke. My mom really likes her books and gave me the first one, "After Anne" to read. I actually never got around to finishing it (it's kind of sad and I need to be in the right mood for that) but I think you would like it. My mom assures me that it gets much happier after the part I stopped at.
    I love juvenile fiction, so I'm currently reading the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card. He also writes religious fiction about the lives of Rebecca, Sarah, and Rachel that I bet you would like. I also like his "Stone Tables," which is about Moses. He has a really interesting book "Enchantment," which was a little too adult for me when I read it as a teenager, but I've heard so many endorsements of it that I might try reading it again.

  6. Okay, here a few, Pride and Prejudice (love it) or really anything by Jane Austin. 'The Great and Terrible' (very interesting, keeps you reading) series by LDS author Chris Stewart. 'Host' by Stephenie Meyer. (don't expect it to be like the 'Twilight' series or you will be disappointed), 'The Kingdom and the Crown' (amazing, simply amazing) series by Gerald Lund, 'Prelude to glory' (historical fiction) Series by Ron Carter, 'The last lecture' by Randy Pausch (quick and easy read), 'Fire of the Covenant' by Gerald Lund (incredible book), and last but certainly not least 'Miss Delacourt speaks her mind, (first time published LDS author and my cousin) Heidi Ashworth. There that should keep you busy for the next little while. I would be interested in your take on any or all of these books.

  7. Wow, thanks to everyone for the comments. I'm heading to the library tomorrow with a list!
    I enjoy anything by Jane Austin..."Sense and Sensability" is my go-to movie. Followed by "Pride and Prejudice", "Becoming Jane", and Emma.
    My oldest son is a humongous fan of Orson Scott Card--he has been reading those books forever.
    And I have read all of the Twilight series. It was a quick easy yet, forgettable read for me.
    But HOST looks interesting, so perhaps I'll start there. And MIss Delacourt looks cute.
    I think my friend Nan has the Lund books...so I may call and ask her to borrow one of those.
    Thanks a bunch for the suggestions!

  8. Hi-I'm a little late on this posting but you GOTTA go get Austenland, by.....by....Uh, I can't remember her name. Just Amazon it. I loved it and my 82 yo mother loved it and my 20-something daughters liked it too. It's another Jane Austen type book but a really fun good read. "These Is My Words" is another really good one-again....brain dead here...can't remember the author but probably the library has it. I read it years ago.


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