Friday, January 16, 2009

Miracles in Due Time

Well, this has been a week of miracles in Momza's House.
Taylow has been preparing for her baptism and it has been a faith-testing and faith-rewarding week.
She has rec'd all of the missionary discussions. She has prayed and received answers to her prayers. We've fasted and prayed for her and with her. Last week, our E. Gulbrandsen gave her a solemn promise that her father would indeed be in attendance at her baptism, if she remained true and faithful. That's a big promise. As the days went by, and her father became more and more irate with her, she expressed doubt about that promise. Yesterday, she came over to the house, with her sadness, and said she didn't think she could be baptized without her father's support. So we told her that is not our decision to make, but is between her and Heavenly Father, and we'd support her in whatever she chose. I did tell her this:

"The Adversary is well aware of what is about to happen. You are about to take your Divine Place in the Kingdom of your Heavenly Father. Noone else can take that place for you. It is only yours to claim. So don't think that Satan is not aware of what you're about to do--or that he isn't interested in causing you the most grief in the place where it matters most to you. He has been "The Devil" long before you or I were born--he's been at this stuff for centuries.
Your faith is being tested. Think of Moses and the Red Sea. Alot of people think that Moses just walked up to the shoreline of the Red Sea, and God in his Might, parted it before Moses even put his toes in the water. I don't think that God did that. I think Moses had to not only get his feet wet, but may have even walked into the Red Sea until it was up to his neck. THEN, the Sea waters parted and the hebrews walked through it. Taylow, right now, you have your feet wet. So you keep walking, and we'll walk with you. We will not let you drown. Your Heavenly Father will not let you drown. Just keep praying and walking in Faith. Everything will work out."

Well, she went down to Nana's room and within thirty minutes she came up, beaming like a ray of sun had planted on her heart. The missionaries again came to the house--this time to interveiw her for baptism. As they finished up, the topic came up about her father attending the baptism. Taylow smiled and said, "Well, I don't think he'll be there in person, but I think he will in his heart." I smiled and said, "Hmm Well I think he'll be there in his shoes."

Flash forward to this afternoon:
Her dad called and asked her to come over to the house after school. (She is living here as of yesterday...I didn't write that yet, I don't think.) Anyway, she went over, and came back so absolutely thrilled. He asked her if it's still okay to come to her baptism tomorrow. (In his shoes.)

After much celebrating...which for a bunch of girls in our house translates into jumping up and down and squealing, I said, "what would have happened if you'd just let go yesterday?"

We miss out on so many blessings when we lose sight of who we really are...daughters of God.
We are entitled to all that He has...but we must do our part, even if it's just holding on for dear life or walking until we are in water up to our necks. The Seas do part and we do behold the majesty of God. It's true.


  1. Well, there you go... something to lift my spirits after lots of bad news this week.

    Another miracle to celebrate!

    Thanks for posting it, I truly needed a faith lift!

  2. What a wonderful story! I read your posting to my husband as well. We were both so touched by the faith of all those involved and we celebrate with you. Good luck today. We look forward to reading about the baptismal service when you get the chance to write about it.

  3. I may have a problem laughing out loud but crying is definitely my reality, which is what I am sitting here doing. I love the fact that your heart is always in the middle of every post you write. You are truly the Lord's servant. I am so honored to share all your thoughts. Thank you for making this available to all of us, but me in particular.

  4. That was a good story and it made me miss your family! There is a very special place in Heaven for you guys! Tell Dani to get herself a blog! Its part of getting married, she just has to do it!

  5. a Big Thank YOU to you all for leaving your very kind comments! I really appreciate them all!


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