Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We're Havin' a Heat Wave...a Tropical Heat Wave...

It's January 21st. There's snow on the ground here in Colorado Springs. And the weatherman says it's gonna get up to 69o today. So my son, my Boofus, dug out his SHORTS to wear to school today.
Dontcha love his long white socks? I did my motherly duty, and mentioned he might want to put on different socks, you know, the "footie" kind...he said what he's been sayin' alot lately:
"Mom, who cares?" Did I mention he's 9 years old? Oh, and he's missing FIVE teeth. lol.
If he loses anymore, we'll have to feed him thru a straw. For now, he just cuts up his food really tiny and chews on one side. The side with the most teeth.


  1. You know Momza, my boys are all married and all have at least one of their own and they still insist on wearing shorts in the middle of winter. They think that they are superhuman and won't ever get sick, and the funny thing is, they don't!
    cute kid by the way

  2. Thanks Roxanne! I did note that there were several other children wearing shorts when I dropped my kiddos off at school. It's Colorado weather, what can I say?!

  3. He is the toothless wonderboy! Amazing how someone with very little teeth can still be so dang cute! LOL


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