Friday, February 27, 2009

Field Trip with The Boofus

I'm a Chaperone today. For a bunch of 3rd graders. Third graders are loud. We're going from Colorado Springs to Denver. On a School Bus. For an hour and a half. Did I mention on a school bus?
I may never be the same.
The best part? It's to the Denver Planetarium. I have my sack lunch. I'm even bringing treats (read: bribery) for my charges.
Send donations to Nan...she'll make sure I get them.
*NOTE: I made it home. My bum is sore from the cardboard seats, and my ears are still ringing from all the happy sounds of very loud 3rd graders. I think I lost 3 pounds just chasing a bunch of them around for 5 hours--so that's good, right?!
I'm going to bed.


  1. Fun! Good luck! I hope you took a pillow to sit on, those busses get pretty mean on your bottom! I remember loving 3rd grade! And field trips!

  2. You are one of the bravest women I know. Please write when you get back so we know you surived!

  3. Congratulations for surviving the initiation. Enjoy!


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