Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekend Winner

Saturday morning we woke up to a Winter Wonderland here in Colorado Springs...Jack Frost didn't blanket our world, but sweetly kissed every single blade of grass, pineneedle on our Blue Spruces, and tiny little anything that was possible. You know how much I love Colorado right?

I just do! And yep, this is our neighbors' tree--with christmas lights still strung on it. hmmm I didn't notice that until now--wonder what they're waitin' for to take 'em down?

Still, I love Colorado blue spruces--lights and all.

Isn't it just so so neat? I get real excited about snowy days. I just do. Maybe it's because I was born in Miami, Florida?

We didn't feed the missionaries that morning, because the girls and I headed up north to Fort Collins, CO to watch our Dean play of his many sports. He is the most physically active child in the family! ...truthfully. He plays Volleyball, Softball, Basketball, Soccer, and he also participates on a Swim Team and and a Snowshoeing team...and a buncha stuff I can't remember.

That's his team right there. He's NUMBER 4....stretching out his legs.
He plays for the Fort Collins' Cougars. His team rocks! They're all so happy to be playing! You can see, they are not your typical athletes... Everyone is a Star!
They even cheer for the other team too. Because really, everyone who plays is a winner.

That's him, going for a 3-pointer. Has he got style or what??! David Scott, I think he could take you!

He amazes me.

The doctors said he would never walk. Or talk. Or do anything.

But we didn't listen to them-- did we, Dean? Nope.

If you ask Dean, he'll tell you his team won. The score was irrelevent. We went out to Tres Margaritas afterward--he was hilarious: when they gave us the check with the mints on the little tray, he tossed his into the next booth, saying he wanted a "real dessert!"--good ol Dean. He is so random like that.

Saturday was beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Your son looks so happy and loved! Thanks for sharing ideas for helping unemployed family. I have several friends who are in that situation right now and your ideas will come in handy.


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