Friday, February 20, 2009

Sick Days

This is where I want to that hammock, hanging between palm trees, lying in the sun...listening to the surf and nothing else.

This has been my reality. For 2 weeks.

Each of the 4 kids at home as been taking turns being ill...Daisie's had the stomach flu. Diana's got strept throat--a really scary case, that caused her to faint 3 different times on Wednesday, and kept her in my bed overnight, while Mr W slept in hers.

And this morning, Boofus was diagnosed with acute bronchitis.

When I told him I'd made an appointment at the doctors for him, he rebelled! "No! It's no fun there. It's so boring."

"You can take your legos with you", I offerred.
(his current obsession is spread all over his bedroom floor--meticulously laid out in battle formation)

"No, I can't. You're such a mean mom!"

"For taking you to the doctors cuz you're sick?", I laugh.

"Yeah, it's no fun there."

"Well, it's not meant to be entertaining, Joseph."

Truth be told, I called Mr W and told him to talk some sense into his son. After the magical phone call, the Boofus was up and ready to go. I have a feeling there was a substantial bribe offerred in the form of legos.

Sleepless nights. Long doctor visits. Runs to the pharmacy. Taking temperatures in the middle of the night. Dispensing meds every 4 hours and countless glasses of gatorade, water and ensure, toast, soft scrambled eggs, more toast, more juice, less sleep...

This, this right here is what every mother in the world should receive after one of these kind of weeks.

A hammock, and a cabana boy named Ramon to bring us chocolate.

When I am Queen, it shall be written, it shall be done.


  1. I'll carry your bags! Hope everyone is on the mend at your house soon.

  2. Amy: Thanks so much! Ramon can carry our bags.

  3. LOL! Hillarious (the part about Ramon, not the sick kids) So sorry to hear that it has been the sick ward at your house. Let me add a "me too" to wishing I was on that beach. Do you think that Ramon could bring some time of smoothy drink also???
    My kids have been sick also, so "Ramon...take me away" (think that old Calgon slogan)


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