Monday, April 27, 2009

Go Ahead! Nominate Your SELF!

Over at the Mormon Mommy Blogs, they're having their regular Blog Spotlight Award...where the prize is having more exposure for the winner's blog. I'm relatively new in blogland...I've noted the previous winners, ya know, by checking out their sites and all.
From what I can tell, the winner's blogs are first-rate and have alot going on!

This month the MMB ladies are encouraging their readers to Nominate Themselves--and I peeked over and sure enough, there are loads of brave women doing just that--nominating themselves!

I couldn't. Ever. Do. That.

Here's why:

When I was in 8th grade at South Sumter Middle School in Florida, I ran for class President.
Having just moved there the previous spring, I was anxious to get involved with the school and I really really wanted to be Class President. SO I tossed my hat in the ring with as much gusto as I possessed. I got a campaign manager and together we made posters, and buttons and badges...I smiled my best smile at potential voters in the halls...which for me, a very shy girl, was a big step! For 2 weeks, I campaigned and thought carefully about the Student Body's needs and the big SPEECH that each candidate would get to make at the end of the week's Voting Rally.
This was just after the Nixon era...the words "And I am not a Crook" were well-known thru the was everywhere. (For those born 20-30 years ago--President Richard M. Nixon was impeached from office for a huge scandal called "Watergate"--check out wikipedia for more info).
ANYWHO...I wanted to emphasize my personal honesty as I had seen other politicians do on TV and such. Remember, there was no such thing as the Worldwide Web. So I got down to business and wrote my speech with purpose, clarity and passion. I worked on it for at least an hour...which you know for a teenager is like 6 adult hours! "I will work hard on my duties as class president; I will listen to my fellow students and they could count on me! "

So Friday came--the big Voting Rally was held in the Cafeteria. I'd been told that candidates could not READ their speeches--so I worked hard to memorize mine.
We all sat on stage at a long table. I looked over my competition...most were strangers to me since I was a new kid.
I was unaffected...I just KNEW I would win!
I was the second to go. As the first candidate spoke, I noticed he was reading his speech! Ah HA!-- I thought, no way he's going to win! He broke rule number one! Then, I stood up at the mike and looked out into the huge cafeteria. My confident voice got stuck in neutral somewhere in my throat. My hands trembled. My knees knocked. I would've cried, but I ain't no sissy. I'd rather die than cry in school! So in my not-so-strong-voice, I recited my speech by memory. I don't recall if anyone clapped...I was numb looking out at so many strangers.
What I do remember is the next candidate...a popular girl. A Cheerleader on our team--yes, I was a cheerleader too(mainly cuz I could do a straddle split!--oh long-gone are those days!)...but she was our Captain and she was bubbly and cute and laughed at her mistakes and promised a Pop Machine in the Cafeteria if she was elected.
The rest of the day was painfully long as we awaited the results to be given over the PA system.
Finally, it was announced that Cheerleader Captain won. I was crushed. I later found out that even my campaign manager voted for her because of the Pop Machine. I couldn't blame her. I wanted a pop machine too.
So that is my one attempt to nominate myself for anything.
But, hey! If you're feeling confident and bubbly and can laugh at your own guffaws and feel YOUR blog appeals to the masses...go ahead! Nominate Your Self!


  1. Ah, but it will be much more meaningful if I wait till someone nominates me...

    or not.



    PS. Those experiences from jr. high and high school are so poignant, aren't they? Even years later!

  2. You were very brave! If you had just known about the pop machine angle maybe you could've promised that AND 5 more minutes at lunch or something. Did the pop machine ever materialize? Just wondering. I think you would have MUCH better luck if you nominated yourself this time around. But if you're not gonna do it...then maybe someone will have to nominate you...hmmmm.

  3. You SO would have won President if you'd have had Napoleon Dynamite do his dance for you...

  4. Fun post to read. I could never nominate myself either. I came from a family where anything that draws attention to yourself is not considered proper. My husband on the other hand comes from a family whose motto is "It ain't bragging if its so" And of course they ALWAYS think "its so". :-)

    I heard you got snow this morning. Did you still make it up the trail?

  5. @ Sue: Jump IN!
    @ Moody: I had no idea you could get a pop machine in the school! And I don't think she ever got one!
    @ RMax: Ahh if I had only known then.
    @Joy: I would've fit well into your familia. And yes, we had snow this morning. I would've gone walking but I had 3 kids home from school and a new puppy to deal with...hopefully the trail will wait for me tomorrow!

  6. Momza, I nominate you for whatever it is you want to be nominated for. I can be your campaign manager, we could make signs and drive around the neighborhood and stick them in people's yards. I could put it in the R.S. bulletin, and ward bulletin, and anywhere else. Or, we could just go to lunch..... Wish you were here, Love, NJ

  7. Here, I'll say the words you needed to hear! YOU. WON!!!!

    Whatever you want.


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