Monday, April 27, 2009

I'll Take Proper Pronunciation for 500, Alex.


Should be pronounced: Qweh- ZEE-NOZ.

I think that was the Original Pronunciation but some PR Marketing Group messed up and the fledgling company couldn't afford to pay them for the correction so it stuck with Qwez-Noz.

Makes so much more sense the other in Cuisine-O's...right??!

Before I lived there, I pronounced it Boy-Zee. BAHHHHHMP. The correct way to say it, according to natives is: Boy-See. Actually, it's a french-derived word meaning, "woods"...les bois.

Okay, what do you call this? Sal-Sah or Sal-Zah? I'm just asking because I really don't know. I call it salsa just like it's spelled on the jar. How about you?


  1. Sal-sah for me! And I wish I had some right now...with some warm chips and guac.



  2. Quiz-nose
    Boy-zee (sorry! I had no idea!)
    Sal sah

  3. The same thing happened when we were in Oregon. People would always pronounce it ORI-Gone. It wasn't until Joey Harrington stood at a news conference and handed out bumper stickers to the press with the correct pronunciation : Ory-gun, they started to get it correct. go figure!!!

  4. Quiz-ee-nohs! I get it! Though I call it "Quiz-nose". Yeah, and Boise is "Boy-See", though "Les Bois" is said "Lay Bwah". Crazy.

    There's a little town in Utah near Logan called Mantua. We outsiders always called it "Man-Chew-Ah", until we met someone from there: "Man-oo-way". Why can't things be spelled the way they sound? Or sound the way they're spelled? Sheesh. It makes helping a Kindergartener learn English REALLY hard!


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