Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lost this Battle to Win the War!

I surrendered today. Waved the white flag of defeat. There was no other choice if I wanted to win the battle at hand.

I'm a mean Mom...yeah, one of those. I have made my sons wear collared shirts to school for years. Even when they didn't want to--because, as I always told them, they're "Nice boys" and "nice boys wear collared shirts to school."

But the youngest, Master Boofus, has protested collared shirts for the past several months--actually ever since he got this way "cool" male teacher this year who wears a puka-shell- necklace, has a tattoo on his ring finger and wears ultra-GQ styles that do not include collared shirts.
I know. I know.

This morning a battle erupted. There were only collared shirts hanging in Boofus' closet. He had been sneakily wearing t-shirts lately to school that he knew he could get away with wearing because they're nice shirts..but none of those were left. There was weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth at the now-named "Dork" shirts hanging up. The battle got ugly, hit a climax and then as the dust settled, apologies were offered and a compromise was met.
I won't force him to wear shirts that he feels self-conscious in anymore. He may choose for himself if he wants to wear collared-shirts to school. I'm hoping this disdain for collared shirts dissappears once he has a different teacher next year--truthfully, he has never minded I'm thinkin' it's a situational conflict that will morph into nothingness next year.

Boofus said, "I'll wear my nice boy shirts on the first day of school, so the teacher knows I'm a nice boy. And on the last day of school (this year) so my teacher NOW knows I'm still nice."

"You are a nice boy. I'm sure your teacher knows that already." I say. It's true.

So I surrender the battle for collared shirts in order to preserve a boys' confidence.

Anybody know how to re-use a dozen collared shirts? A handbag? Apron? tote? Oh wait, I can tie them onto a stick and wave it in the air like a true surrender flag. So appropriate. Haven't seen anything like that on Etsy. Because in the end what matters isn't the shirt. It's the Boy.


  1. So very true...And I couldn't even get my boys to wear collared shirts as long as yours did!

    By the way, I like the surrender flag idea. Hey, if you're gonna go down, you might as well do it in style...


  2. Soon enough he'll grow out of them, and then maybe you can DI them?

  3. We call the top button of "dork" shirts the "dork" button - if you're not wearing a tie, don't button the dork button. But, since I suck at decisions and hate to make them, I try to go out of my way to let the kids practice by choosing as often as I can. Usually between two appropriate alternatives.

    Mr. Puka Shells, indeed.

  4. I think you should sew them together into a quilt for him.

    Btw, I think you are totally a great Mom!

  5. so so funny- after the fact, huh?! I have gone thru the same thing with Jackson. I didn't know such little kids could have such BIG opinions! Like you, I would prefer for Jackson to wear collared shirts and button down shirts, but in the end I have lost the battle... so every once in a while I'll *bargan* (sounds better than bribe) to wear a "nice" shirt to school:) -boys!!! gotta love 'em!

  6. A good (and experienced)mother knows when to surrender. Good for you, for knowing what really matters!


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