Saturday, May 16, 2009

Knock, Knock--Who's There?

You know those homes on your street where there are nearly always more than a few cars out front? Those homes where there are cars lined up along the curbs and in front of the other neighbor's houses? The one where a dozen bicycles are laying out front too? The one where every kid on the street (and their dog!) is playing out front--and sometimes, there's a lemonade stand at the end of the driveway??

That's my house. I'm home. My kids are home. From afterschool @ 3:45pm until dark, those bicycles are at my and their dogs(!) are out front. The doorbell rings mercilessly from the latecomers, who want to join in..I point them in a direction and off they go like a rocket!
Add to this the cars of teenagers. Nana and Taylor's friends pop in and out like teens do...
Oh, and add the cars of other Moms and Dads dropping off or picking up Daisie's middle-school-aged-friends. We could use a traffic light at the end of our driveway.

And then the missionaries. There are the ward missionaries who are teaching the new-member discussions to Taylow And the full-time missionaries who are teaching Daisie's friend, T.--who is, incidentally getting baptized tonight.

T.'s mom is the inspiration for this post. She came in last night to pick up T. and saw a house-full and said, "No wonder T. likes being over here--there's alot of people to talk to and more going on than at home because its just T. and me and [the baby sister]."

That's when I looked around. Nana and Taylow were in the kitchen baking cookies, their friends were with them, the missionaries (who had just taught T. her final lesson) were in the kitchen too, the younger kids were chasing our new puppy , Mr W & I were there as the Ringmasters to it all. We had a house-full and everyone was laughing and getting ready to play games at the 10-seater kitchen table.
By the front door lay a dozen or more pair of shoes. It's not neat and tidy. As T. was leaving last night, searching for her shoes in the pile, I suggested she find a pair she liked and call it even.

But all these people here don't seem to mind the mess or the noise. Sometimes, Mr W and I lament that it'd be nice to have a quiet evening once in awhile. He sometimes gets cranky cuz there's nowhere to park his car when he comes home from work. And I buy enough food to stock a small island with salsa, chips, popcorn and cookie mix.
Did you know that "baking cookies" is one of the "fun" activities that most kids love to instead of buying ready-made cookies, I buy mixes (for the younger kids) and lots of chocolate chips for the older ones and their friends to make. My kids love being in the kitchen, and apparently, so do their friends.

This is my house. It's not fancy or chic. We don't have big screen TV's, or a theater room, we don't even have a Wii (ack! I know!). But it's enough. We have laughter and fresh-baked cookies...and the Door is wide open.


  1. I loved this. My kids aren't quite old enough for it yet, but I would love for this to be my house someday. Luckily my husband agrees with me. (that is he agrees with me because he has no idea what it will be like when it comes. . .)

  2. This is the kind of house I want. I want to be the house where everyone hangs out, where my kids like staying, where their friends feel comfortable. We are a feet on the couch, messes are ok kind of family... and while we do have a big screen TV and we do have a Wii, we also have open hearts and minds, an amazing capacity for love, and a desire to connect.

  3. That description was our house too for many years...the bikes( we called them the HUFFY Stack ) the skateboards, surfboards, roller skates, balls for every sport and at least 2 kids from the neighborhood for every child in our family was at our house daily. At the time it was a lot of work and hubub going on for me, but on reflection, it was all good !

  4. Whew! Momza! It's hard to keep up with you. I just read all the recent posts and caught up. I really liked your posts about cell phone etiquette and I did indeed know about sexting. I'm glad you consulted your teen and got her input--they really are the experts here. I'm like you--I could take or leave mine. What a wonderful home you have. We have a bunch of cars in front of our house--but unfortunately they all belong to us (hubby alone has 3 vehicles!) I'm glad you can appreciate your busy noisy household, and don't wish for those quiet evenings too much, you'll have them and then miss the hub-bub!

  5. I loved this, too...and it made me nostalgic for the days when I had the freezer stuffed full of last-minute-prep food to feed the scores of teens that drifted in and out of our house all day.

    I'm hoping the young adults in my husband's ward get comfortable enough to visit on more than just FHE nights, but so far we are still the new guys on the block, and they haven't reached that comfort level yet.


  6. I want to come to your house!

  7. How fun! I think that is just how every house should be. I wish ours had been more like that. When we moved here we were far out of town so no one came by and now that town has moved to join us, most of my kids are gone. But last night my youngest did have 3 of her friends over. That was nice. You sound like such a great mom!

  8. You may all come for a visit, just be prepared to step over kids and bikes and lose your ever-lovin' mind one piece at a time!

  9. Your house is the type of home I dream of having. I WANT my house to be the one where the kids are hanging out and their friends come piling into. It's awesome! Yes, there are always those pesky problems...finsing shoes and/or parking places, but in the end the house is filled with laughter and love!

  10. Love your writing. And the last paragraph is sweet music! Growing up, that described my home as well. One that I'm hoping to emulate as my little kids grow older...


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