Friday, July 10, 2009

Cheezit! It's the Cops!

Diana, Daisie, and Taylow decided to TP a friend's house this week.
The last thing I said to Nana was, "Don't get caught cuz you can't have a police record and be a Nanny."
I got the "eye-roll" from the lot of them and out the door they went.

They took their 3 dozen rolls of toilet paper and were doing a really great job on the kid's house.

Let me back up and say they've been tp'ing this kids house since they were all in 6th grade together. When we moved back to the Springs last summer, one of the very first things these girls did, was go and TP his house. Well, the house that he lived in BEFORE he moved while we were gone too. Yes, that's right, they TP'd a total strangers house thinking it was their friends'.

So they finally found the right house on map quest and set about doing a fantastic job of was all smiles and giggles until...until the neighbor across the street pulled into his driveway. The girls hid in bushes wanting this guy to go inside his house so they could make their escape! Nope, he didn't. He stood out there for awhile, went inside quickly, and got his wife to come see! Finally, Diana told the other girls, "Forget it. I've got a roll of toilet paper in my hand, and I'm standing in their yard. No use hiding. Let's go."

So as they approached their car, which was parked in front of the looky-loo neighbor's house, said neighbor approaches them. As he gets closer, they recognize his police uniform. ACK!!

Diana speaks for the girls, "Hi there!"
Cop: "So do you know those people?"
Diana: "Oh yeah, since like, 6th grade. I'm even texting [the kid] now to set up a time we can hang out later."
Cop: "So this is in good fun?"
Diana: "Oh yeah. We've been doing this for years."

And with that, the Cop and his wife shared a good laugh and the girls came home.

Well Nana fills me in on all of this, and I asked how Daisie handled it. Daisie was a mess. She was freaking out, according to Nana. So with this knowledge, I went into Daisie's room where she was still sleeping.
I tugged on her, and she startled!
Me: "Dara Cristine, there is a policeman at the door asking for you!"
Dara: "What??"
Me: "Something about Vandalizing last night?"
Dara: "Oh crap! Does Diana know?"
Me: "No, she's still sleeping."
Dara flies outta bed --which was hilarious because she was barely awake--and goes to Diana's room in a huff.

Dara: "Diana, there are Cops at the door! Get up!"
Diana, acting very nonchalant: "Meh. Tell them I'm sleeping." and starts to roll over.
Dara, grabbing the covers: " NO! I'm just 14--I'm a minor! You're the legal one! Now get up!"

Dara catches a glance of herself in the mirror and starts fixing her hair into a ponytail. (sucha girl!)

I say, "One of you needs to go up there and talk to the Police Officer. I think [the kids] parents are there too."

Dara: "Well, I'm not doing it! Diana! You're Eighteeeeeen! Get up!" and she grabs Diana's legs to pull her off the bed!
By this time, I can't stop smiling. Diana starts laughing and tells Dara it's a joke.

Dara whirls around to face me and sees it is indeed a joke. Then she plops down on the floor and starts laughing/crying!

Ahhhhh I love being the Momza of teenagers.


  1. That's a great joke and it's not even Aprils Fools Day.

  2. I'm laughing out loud, Momza. Thanks for amusing me so thoroughly. What a fun story!


  3. LOL. I hate to say it, but sometimes its fun to get back at the teenagers.

  4. I needed the laugh!!! Thanks Momza!!!
    Love ya girl!!!

  5. You are cruel...and I LOVE it!

  6. Oh you're too good! How funny!

  7. HaHAHAHAhahaha I LOVE it!! Thats hysterical! You are my kind of woman/mom!!


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