Thursday, August 20, 2009

Smart Aleck

Being the Whimsical Momza that I am, I write messages for my family on The Plate that sits on the fridge... the messages are meant to be inspiring...
Past messages have included:

"If you must choose between being Right or being Kind, Be Kind."
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
"I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day!"

and on and on...
I change it up probably once a week...

Which leads me to this...I've been reading a book actually written by Mr. in "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood"'s about showing love to your family.

And something I read was so simple I put it on The Plate:

Sweet right?
Good reminder, right?
Speaks to everyone, right?

I came home from running errands last night and found this:

Excuse me while I go smack Mr. W... the snickering culprit. Why. Why do I even try?
Ever feel like you're pushing a Buick to heaven?


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